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Everything posted by Jordann

  1. Jordann


    Champions Lee Sin Fixed insec not working Orbwalker Fixed manual target selector not working (left click champion you want to focus) Replace the graphics for manual selected target (animated)
  2. Jordann


    Champions Garen Q after AA, Q chase logics W on CC, W on gapcloser below X% HP, W on incoming large damage, W if X enemies near E if Q not ready/active, force if X enemies in range R killable Q flee Combo damage drawings R killable notification Evade Added Naafiri E to evade Default evade values adjusted Awareness Removed zoom slider
  3. Unfortunately not, we do not offer anyone any form of trial.
  4. We are currently offline, However yes we support the Taiwan server.
  5. What way would you require paying? We already have Russian customers
  6. Jordann


    Champions Jayce Hammer form Q If enemy is alone Ignore if enemy is killable Ignore if can hit X enemy W Instant cast after Q E Force if low HP and R ready - Swap to cannon after Dont use with cannon W buff Ignore if killable Dont swap if enemy killable by 1 aa R if no spells ready R if no enemy in X range Cannon Form Q Standard Q max range Extended Q max range Force cast if can hit X enemies Cast at CC'd enemies Wait for E if it has low cooldown Ignore if enemy killable W Enable W E Use to boost Q Dont swap if enemy killable in 1 AA R if no spells ready R if QW not ready and enemy near Draven R killable fix Fiora Q fix Dr Mundo Last hit Q fix Irelia Irelia fixed E2 usage Irelia fixed Q on minions in combo gapclose Irelia fixed R range Awareness Added slider to increase thickness of drawings.
  7. Jordann


    Champions Quinn Q Q only if not vulnerable (ignore if killable) Anti Gap-closer Q W Minimap drawings E Anti Gap-closer E Anti-Interuptor E E only killable check box Jungle Clear logics wish is vulnerable checks Combo damage drawings Awareness Added glow onto minnions (White glow = not killable, Green glow = killable)
  8. Jordann


    Champions Senna Q Extended Q Added Q after AA logics if enemy in AA range (in combo and harass) Added new Q logics to heal ally and dmg enemy at the same time (In combo and harass) W W onto minion if killable and enemy near snare range. E If X allies are near dont cast in enemy AA range R Kill logics Save logics teamfight logics Vayne Farm fixed with menu Evade Improved stability and reduced timestamps count Evade ziggs Q adjusted hitbox to new patch
  9. Jordann


    Dr.Mundo Cleaned up the code and improved the overall feel of the script. We added advanced E logic to push minions into enemies. Riven Massive Q-AA refactors, almost double the speed and consistency. Evade Old evade: Calculate the safest point near your mouse only ONCE when the skill shot spawned, meaning if you moved your mouse while evading it didn't react. New evade: Constantly calculates the safest point near your mouse, even when already evading, making the evade super smooth and responsive to the input.
  10. Jordann


    Kassadin Revamped drawings New combo damage calculations New combo rotations and logic Completely new R logic Auto Q on channelling Greatly improved AA->W resets Flee R Mana checks for damage calculations Jax Completely refactored the code to make it more optimised Syndra EQ stun Fixes Evade Updated to the new patch values.
  11. Jordann


    Champions Naafiri (New - Mid/Jungle) Q: Max range slider W: Only on combo killable enemies Cast during Q animation Dont if enemy in X range Dont use in E range if E ready E: Cast during Q animation Farm Q: Minimum minions X Farm E: Minimum minions X Vayne Completely re-written from scratch Karthus R improvements & R notification improvements. Kassadin Fixed W usage. and faster AA cancels. Orbwalker Fixed AA cancels.
  12. Jordann


    Champions Mordekaiser (New - TOP) Q: W: If about to die E: Max cast range Dont use in Q range if Q ready R: Semi manual key. Cassiopeia Completely re-written from scratch Karthus Completely re-written from scratch Kayle Completely re-written from scratch. Ashe Fixed not using Q in combo. Orbwalker Added fast push mode, Used for shoving a wave in for a reset (V + LMB) Normal laneclear mode delay to lasthit adjustments, more smooth
  13. Jordann


    Champions Draven (New - ADC) Q: Before attacking enemy W: Before attacking If W buff not active E: Max cast range Ignore if killable by 1AA Enemy killable in 3 AA+E close range Enemy killable in 1 AA+E Long Range anit-melee logics R: Enemy long range killable 1 R Enemy medium range killable by 2 R Enemy close range killable by 2 R+AA Axe cathing logics Move & lock inside - Lock inside Dont under enemy turret evade only CC when dodging Ignore if enemy killable Catch Mouse radius - Slider Axe ground radius - Slider Tristana Trisana W & R Improvements Fixed R bug Activator Fixed clense & QSS not working Evade Created many helpful evade and orbwalker functions in code that will help in the development to make more quality things Orbwalker Fixed PreAttack callbacks in the orbwalker structure (caused some champions to cancel aa, now it should happen less) Lots of bug fixing has been address and fixed!
  14. Jordann


    Champions Yasuo (New - Mid) Q: Stack Q3 W: Block skillshots Is above X danger level If big damage incoming If spell is hard CC E: Gapclose to enemies Pick best EQ hero that hit X enemies Pick best EQ minion that hit X enemies Pick best EQ3 minion that hit enemy Pick best E hero after Q if no killable enemy close R: Cast at X%^ knockup time remaining Take X AA into damage calculations Force if X enemies knockedup If enemy combo killable dont if >= X enemies near target Nilah Fixed W being used even if disabled Aphelios Implemented extended range usage Evade Mordekaiser Q fixed in evade Orbwalker Fixed inconsistent farming.
  15. ID information isnt stored by us, its all done via a 3rd party verification system that coinbase uses.
  16. Jordann


    Champions Lulu (New - Support) W Logic: Poly channeling enemies (Kata R, Vel'Koz R) Poly on alone enemies Poly on gapclosing enemies boost attacking allies (Icluded whitelist) E Logic: Use when enemy autoattacks you or ally (whitelist) Use on enemy skillshots you or ally (whitelist) Use if ally about to die R Logic: If ally about to die (whitelist) Ignore whitelist if no whitelisted ally near If will knockup X enemies Evade IsFacing fix (Improves turning away from cassio R) Fixed evade in Katarina R Core DirectX 11 now supported Fullscreen now supported
  17. Jordann


    Champions Lucian (New ADC) Q Enable Cast faster if killable W Enable W Only if Q is not ready E Enable E Short cast if the enemy close Dont cast into X enemies Cast modes - Towards enemy, Mouse position, Sidewards R Manual Riven Greatly improved the overall feel and logic. Kha'Zix Greatly improved the overall feel and logic. Jhin Greatly improved the overall feel and logic. Kai'sa Greatly improved the overall feel and logic. Kindred Greatly improved the overall feel and logic. Lux Greatly improved the overall feel and logic. Vayne Greatly improved the overall feel and logic.
  18. Put it this way, It's coming very soon
  19. Jordann


    Champions Vlad (New Top/Mid) Q Enable W Cast E before W If about to die If CC spell incoming If R Casted E Minimum target range Only if no collision between Cast if X enemies near R If will hit X enemies Only if our HP below X% Ignore HP% if will hit X enemies Riven Added 4 flash combos and tweaked settings Yone Improved Q & W Logics Smarter Q Kalista Completely refactored Caitlyn Completely refactored Orbwalker Spell farm toggle Added support mode Awareness Visually improved Perma Show Prediction Improved the math behind prediction. Update will be live @ 17:00 BST.
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