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Everything posted by getrealjn

  1. Yorick W is one of those spells that are annoying and i've noticed that as playing kayle if i get caught either harass, combo or laneclear keys target it so until something changes its manual clicking.
  2. A option for jungle clear on every champ and a health % where the smite will go off and what camps to use them on and what camps not too because their are so many times where ill play a jger and im smiting the camp and its using up my smite charge when i want to do nash or drag right after and im left pinging it off because red auto smited. Or if you're playing a champ like nunu and u can set it to smite at 15% nash health that way you can time your q with ur setting of smite and also not lose a smite charge wanting to clear camps before the objective. let me know what everyone thinks because theirs alot of cool stuff i could see happening with jungle
  3. I would love to see jungle options for smite.
  4. was wondering wanted to play clash with some friends for the tournament and was wondering if it was safe to use
  5. looking forward to this
  6. itll show them recalling but not print to chat to keep track
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