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Posts posted by homura

  1. - You will use this rune combination in almost every game;


    - However if there is a lot of crowd control on the enemy team you can use this combination.


    - Summoners:


    - Most of the time I use flash+barrier, it allows me to max stack on the enemy and buys me some time to combo before I die;

    - In some matchups when I'm against zed, talon or yasuo, I like to use exhaust, they need to get close to cause the burst and this gives me some time to gain distance and not let them out even with their mobility;

    - If it's a player I know (it happens a lot in the master of falling against the same people) and I know their gameplay, then I can switch between ghost or keep barrier;

    - Matchups against veigar, viktor or annie I can choose cleanse; - But summoner spells are something you have to get comfortable with, there's no use going to exhaust if you don't know when to use them, so flash+barrier, you'll be fine in all matchups.

    - Builds:

    - I start with dorans blade;

    - These two items are essential for building AP varus, you can try anything else, but what will really work is these items;


    Shoes you have options, my personal choice will always be pen.magic, but you can test which one you feel most comfortable;


    - Sorcerer' Shoes - It will make you do more damage, a bigger burst;

    - Berserker's Greaves - It will make you stack faster and help your clear wave, but I feel like I lose damage with it;

    - Ionian Boots of Lucidity - It will work well with the inspiration tree, it will have smaller cooldowns to use more R times in less time, but it won't help you in the clear wave and although you can use more R times it doesn't mean you will do more damage with this opportunity but it's an option;

    - Final Build - I use in 90% of games;


    - But it also has some variations, when there is no one building magic resistance, I change void staff for shadowflame, you can also try zhonyas instead of G.A;

    - The fifth and sixth item is situational, see what you need, whether it is more damage or if you are having trouble with some burst, protect yourself.

    - Matchups:

    - I start lv 1 with E, it allows me to be more aggressive early, I can punish the enemy if he tries to farm using his skills, then lv 2 the Q, allows me to punish him a little more if I gets lv 2 first and finally the W at lv 3, now you will do considerable damage, but try to know against which champions you can try an all in;

    - I max W for its damage and passive, but it will be really effective after its riftmaker, so feel free to try maxing Q if you want;

    - The games are currently being decided in the lane phases, so the first 14 minutes of the game will decide the final result, I play aggressive all the time, whenever the enemy spends some skill to farm I will punish him with my range or at least deny the next minions while your skill is on cooldown;

    - Always accumulating waves and pushing to the enemy's tower, thus making him stay in the lane and letting me do some roaming (yes, you can leave the lane with your champion if you manage to push your enemy under the tower);

    - The bad thing is that you are exposed to constant ganks because your enemy will ask for a lot of help, so use more the mini map tracker or ward well, always play against the side that the enemy jungler is, retreat if you feel like you're in danger, losing 2 or 3 minions won't make you worse;

    - If you can't pressure your enemy, always try to force him to stay in lane, don't let him accumulate too many minions to push his tower;

    - Well, these are the things I do at the beginning of my game, the mid/late game will be about who makes less mistakes... you can always try to focus on the easiest champions to kill, when closing rabadon or the fourth item you choose , any non-tank champion you will kill with Semi - R + combo (select target with left mouse click).


    - Final Considerations & Random Comments:

    - I have a personal difficulty playing against Zed, so it's my main ban;

    - Varus AP only worked well for me in the middle, on the bot it seems to take longer to strengthen, I didn't get along with him there;

    - Varus AP is totally broken and that shouldn't last that long, although there will be no changes in the upcoming patch about it;

    - The Guide was based on my experience playing with champion up to the master so you are free to follow or disagree but everything worked out fine for me;

    - Thanks for reading this far and I hope it helps you have fun or climb PL's. 


    From Varus Enjoyer to another Varus Enjoyer


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