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About Tempest

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  1. I play Warzone but since I script in LoL you probably have guess I'm a filthy hacker in WZ. Though, I am very modest and I never go full-rage mode so I'm a stealthy mofo who hides his true nature, an aimbotting + ESP loving hacker.
  2. It has been a hardcore weekend for many of the staff and contributors. Lots of waiting and patience from subscribers and members. We got through it with blood, sweat and tears. To commemorate this history 2.0 event, I've made a short video featuring EloCarry 2.0 with R a i n b o w M o d e. My fun little video + 5 min code that adds 0 value to anyone. Though, if you really want your own color scheme for the EC website, if enough people want it, I can create a guide with my code-snippet so you guys can choose whatever color scheme you want (client side only). Otherwise, lets celebrate a new era! Big shout out to everyone who made it happen. I believe its worth celebrating milestones, no matter how big or small to remember whats important in our hearts, playing LoL with scripts baby! See you all in the fields of justice!
  3. Ya, this has the ability to integrate with Discord chat channel(s), Forum posts (if there is a webhook, seems likely since there is an off-topic channel) and possibly in-game chatting perhaps using a custom command via chat (that will have to happen more on the EC core product side).
  4. Update: With the Web 2.0 update, this no longer works but I'll leave it here for historical purposes :) goodjob on the UI guys!
  5. Still a work in progress, I know the EC team is making a dark mode UI but if you guys want to try out my version + provide feedback, I can have on-going revisions + updates to it until we get the release from the team. If you guys still prefer my version, I'll be making multi-colored themes once I've mastered the templating engine that EC uses for their forum. Want to try out the Tempest Dark Theme without committing too much? Try my 1 time preview code now, follow instructions please! I love this! How do I make this work all the time for me? For Chrome, download Tampermonkey extension For Firefox, download Greasemonkey plugin (untested) Click "Create a new script..." Paste my code below Save the file Enjoy The Tampermonkey Tempest Dark Theme script This took me a few minutes to make and it looks really good so far. Aside from changing the colors I also re-arranged the forum elements around. Its very new, its very fresh. I tried to make it as close as possible to the new Dark Theme coming from the EC team but this is just going to be the @Tempest temporary Dark UI Revamp. Shout out to @NitrogenX for the banner (he was the one who created it). I hope you all enjoy my take on the EC forum. To do: - Form controls - Payment sections - Quotation elements - New Topic form controls If possible, can we have other developers well versed in JavaScript take a look at my code and vet that it is good. Everything is designed to change the UI and change colors only. Please and thank you. Otherwise, please enjoy the Tempest Dark Theme!
  6. Hey folks, had some spare time so I created a MVP proof of concept "EC Live Chat". You can call it a shoutbox, mini-discord or just a chatbox. Features Fault tolerant: Operate independently of a site or on a site Flexible: Can be added to any page because it utilizes thoughtful responsive code Functional: Has the ability to detect your member role, your color properties, your photo and send messages into the chat Instances: Multiple instance support for different chat(s). For example, "General", "Announcements", etc Web compliancy: The code is has a HTML5 shiv and a transpiler so it targets your browser on the fly for maximum compatibility Technicalities For those who want to know how its built and its requirements: This is built from scratch from the ground up using JavaScript and React. There are a few things to make this lightning fast and cheap for EC (if they decide they want to use it) PubSub server, relatively cheap from any cloud provider. $5/month PubSub software: Choices from Redis (old school but reliable), Apache Pulsar (what Netflix and popular companies use), etc REST endpoint to validate the user Missing features Better UI scroll-bar PubSub server to retain the chat messages + send messages Network states
  7. EloCarry new login & registration concept by @Tempest 4 sections for EloCarry concept Login Register Forgot Password Guest Login Seamless transition between all sections (no page loading, no page flicker) Fast form validation Network state management (loading, error, success states) Error handling for structural issues (cross-browser incompatibility issues, unpolyfillable browsers, etc) Details: Everything here is a concept and might not ever be used. This was just for fun. It was created in TypeScript React using XHR requests to back-end services. It supports REST and GraphQL back-end services. Pretty much bullet proof code with validation, error handling and network management states. This is just a fun concept project for a Material UI concept I had for EloCarry Let me know what you guys think. I want to partner up with @NitrogenX and create insane web experiences for you all but he needs to deal with things IRL first due to the COVID19 issue. Let's wish him the best. Attached is a small clip of the feature I made. Feel free to leave a comment in the thread of possible other concepts for me to make. I'll run a poll after and make the thing you all wished for. Note: There is a "clideo" watermark since EloCarry runs a 0.24mb restriction for all filetypes on the forum. This watermark is the online video compression tool I had to use to fit this video here ec2_B2z2IjIO.compressed.mp4
  8. Hello I'm Tempest! Excited to be back and excited to help develop for this platform Returning after several years away from the game and from the community. During my time away I've gone into the direction that would bring me back to this industry. I'm here to make a huge impact with my skills in both the web and software world. I bring a lot of professional experience to the table in experience from the web world but lack a bit with low-level programming. I'm here to possibly join EC as a developer to improve my skills professionally, help build amazing products for you all to use both in game and on the web. I want to be able to contribute to a community like this. A professional, closed and reliable service. I believe in the cause and I only want whats best for this community and to improve my skills. I believe there is a lot of work to be done here at EC and I can't wait to join and contribute. Hopefully I can make as big a impact as I want. Thank you for listening to my story and my introduction, I will now be in your care Please take care of me, I will do what I can to improve life here.
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