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  • Posting & Topics

    1. Use the search function before posting a question/suggestion. Chances are someone else has already thought of the same point.
    2. Be respectful to all members of the community. Insults and bullying will not be tolerated.
    3. You may only bump your threads once every 24 hours.
    4. The official language is English. This means all content on the forums must be written in English.
    5. Multi-accounting is strictly prohibited. If a staff member discovers a user with multiple forum accounts, both will be permanently banned.
    6. Posting referral links or begging others to use your referral link for any other site is strictly prohibited. 
    7. Discrimination of any kind is strictly prohibited. 
    8. Do not ask for people to give reputation on any section of the forums, outside of the guides section.
    9. Asking for suggestions to buy from another cheat provider that offers cheats for the same games as Elocarry is strictly prohibited.
    10. Illegally gained software, or links to such software, is not to be posted on the forums and will result in strict punishment if it happens.
    11. Posts or comments regarding Elocarry's update schedule are allowed on the forum.
    12. No closed source software is allowed to be posted on the forum without prior staff team approval. 
    13. Do not post multiple topics about the same thing on the forums without prior staff consent.
    14. Please make sure to post threads in the relevant sub-forum areas. Failure to do so may result in your post being deleted.


    1. Reselling is not allowed unless you have been granted the reseller role.
    2. Posting a thread about the same topic twice is strictly prohibited.
    3. Sales trashing is strictly prohibited. Members will be punished for doing so.
    4. Do not post comments of sales posts unless you are enquiring about purchasing the product. Any needless comments will be considered spam and lead to warnings.
    5. Drophacks are considered illegal and are therefore banned on Elocarry. 
    6. The following items are allowed to be sold on Elocarry: account boosting, game keys and game accounts.
    7. Do not attempt to sell cracked accounts for subscription based services in the marketplace.
    8. You must provide proof of your service/product before the sale.
    9. Do not try and sell your own items on someone else’s thread. These posts will be deleted and lead to warnings.
    10. Please keep all sales to the forum PM system so that the staff team may assist in the case of a scam. 
    11. If you are no longer selling the product/service, please close the topic.
    12. Those with open scam reports will be banned from posting in the marketplace until everything is resolved.
    13. Make sure you use the right tags for your post.
    14. Posting “scammer” in another person's thread is not allowed, and these posts will be deleted. Make sure to open a report if you have been scammed. 
    15. Do not complain about a seller’s price. If you do not like the price, then don’t buy the product.
    16. All threads made by your account are your responsibility, even if you have been hacked. Make sure to secure your account properly.
    17. Be aware when doing deals with other members, especially if they are a new member to the community.
    18. All sales follow the ToS of Elocarry, and personal ToS will be ignored.
    19. Elocarry will not be held responsible for deals made between members.
    20. All trades on Elocarry should be made either in the marketplace section or the forum PM system, regardless of content.
    21. We do not allow deals regarding any sort of illegal product or fraud. 
    22. If you have been scammed, please report it to a member of staff and follow the correct channels. Posting about it publicly will result in the posts deletion and punishment. 

    Spamming/Unnecessary Posting

    1. Posting on multiple forum topics with posts that have no relation to the original message is considered spamming and will not be tolerated. These posts will be deleted and lead to punishment.
    2. Do not post on topics that are older than six months. This will lead to a warning.


    1. Arguing and insulting members is unproductive and a waste of time for the moderators who then have to delete it. Don’t do it. This will lead to punishment.
    2. If we feel or discover that you are negatively painting Elocarry products or staff on any platform, you will be banned indefinitely without question.
    3. We look to our long standing members to show the new users how to act in the community, lead by example and assist those with questions instead of attacking them.
    4. Do not harass or attack other communities or their members. 
    5. Our forum rules apply on all forms of communication hosted by Elocarry. We are a small and friendly community, and we would like to maintain the good reputation of our users.
    6. Those who own, staff, resell or have an executive position in any other league of legends cheating platform will not be permitted to join Elocarry.

    Disciplinary Measures

    1. Breaking any of the rules listed here will lead to punishment, by means of a warning or potentially bans depending on the severity of the infringement.
    2. Any member of the moderator team can give warnings or bans at their discretion; breaking a rule is not mandatory.
    3. All warnings and bans can be appealed by sending a message to a moderator or high staff member. Appeals will only be reviewed if the message explains the case and gives indication on why the punishment was unjust.
    4. Severe infractions will result in an indefinite ban.
    5. Sharing forum accounts is strictly prohibited. If a forum account is discovered as being shared, whether through IP or other means, there will be further action taken.
    6. If we discover that an Elocarry product is being shared, you will be temporarily banned and an investigation will be opened.
    7. Staff will never ask you for your forum account password or sensitive information. If you have received a message like this, please contact Zlitz.
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