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Farming under tower🗼

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This could be improved on the orbwalker by calculating tower damage at current state of the game.

Prediction should handle case such as :

- Calculating player base damage with items buffs

- Getting current tower targeted minion health 

- Calculating tower damage at the current state of the game (increases with time)

If the tower total damage to the minion leave no room to AA ie minion health is 200 tower shot is 100 , place the required AA before and after the tower shot that guaranteed the minion kill. Modulo would work great here? 🤔

If the tower total damage leave room to AA keep it that way.

I know it would be hard to handle crit chances and such , but by the time criting becomes relevant laning phase is pretty much over. It would be particularly helpful at the start of a game to get a good gold lead. 

This suggestion could also be further expanded by order of priority for under tower farming :

- last hit minion to get the kill

- hit minion to leave room for a further kill

I.e priotitize placing an AA on minions on which health after predicted tower damage leave no room to be killed with current player calculated damage.

  • Votes: 5

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