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EC2 - Orbwalker suggestions

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I'd love three-laning modes with Harras being handled differently.
Possibly levering harras mode we have now as the third.

Push - Kill the minions as fast as possible.  The fastest way to push the wave is to kill the cannon first, then the casters, and then melees.  This is because they deal the most damage in that order and therefore push back hardest.  All abilities should be used to shove as fast as possible.  Last hitting should be a consideration but missing up to 2 LH per wave would be ok.

Farm - Standard.  Auto the wave but don't use abilities.  Focus is on the last hitting whilst not allowing the nme to push the wave and not pushing it towards the nme.  Basically, we are trying to have "damage taken by our wave per second = damage dealt their wave per second".  If the nme is perma autoing we would too, if they are last hitting only we would too.

Freeze - this mode seeks to keep the wave just outside our tower range.  Note this is not "only last hit".  I'd like to look at wave DPS and thin the nme wave to stop it from crashing.  I'd love it to use abilities and autos to get CS at the last possible second if the wave is pushing to them in order to help switch it to push to us and not miss CS.

Harras - this is a toggle, should I use abilities on champs when in these modes and I can hit - ideally I'd like a slider for hit chance.  Cos at the moment Jinx hits 90% of her W's in combo and almost none in harras, we might favour throwing abilities out to zone or we might only want to take the shot if it's a high hit chance.

Edited by TABTastic
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13 hours ago, Tonghyon said:

Kiting is important issue with or walker is that when evading and taking a step it sometimes doesn’t auto even in range and tries to use evade as priority I think it should have a check where if the evade was successful and it’s going to dodge the next attack then it should suit or use skill instead of just evading it might be evade issue but I have noticed this in old evade too 

Orb walker should be smooth I think we can get a lot more autos but it’s slow this is what affecting adc since autos are important and speed they click it should have good logic to switch between targets fast based on range health and distance to you and determine your health and enemy health to see if you can get a kill before you die


I have seen some orb walkers in the past with insane inhuman clicks I know league tracks clicks but it would be nice to have orbwalker that can cancel auto animations etc to get more autos in   

I usually do manual cs but if you can figure out how to get almost perfect cs that would be great the logic so far on cs under turret doesn’t make sense it almost missed 50% 

This is by far the best suggestion I have seen.
While evading, orbwalker stops AA to prioritize evade, but there should be a check in place.

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I'd really like a strong focus on melee champs, at the moment melees without strong dashes are in a bad spot in the orbwalker.

Minion block and the auto pathing moving towards the mouse in farming modes means that the orbwalker will often walk out of auto range and miss a last hit as it tries to path around the path of one of the other minions.

Basically farming on melee champs is adequate but I think it can be better.

This is double true for team fights.  The way evade takes over all inputs, including abilities and autos makes team fights late game with a melee champ like Jax or Olaf or Mundo an absolute nightmare.  You jump in or hit a Q and run at them, only to have them through a damage spell at you and your champ dances around all the incoming abilities for the whole fight and gets very little damage off.

Dodge only dangerous on Combo Key does help a little, but then identifying every spell that is dangerous and marking them as such every game based on the context of the champion we are playing is challenging at best.  I'd like to see the orbwalker and evade dynamically adjusting based on the champ I'm playing.

I'd like an extra mode in evade "Dodge only if I'll DIE or get hard CC'd" on a key toggle, then I can hit it an charge into the fray, but I can leave it off for Zeri and Ez who like to stay out of harms way.

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11 hours ago, TABTastic said:

I'd love three-laning modes with Harras being handled differently.
Possibly levering harras mode we have now as the third.

Push - Kill the minions as fast as possible.  The fastest way to push the wave is to kill the cannon first, then the casters, and then melees.  This is because they deal the most damage in that order and therefore push back hardest.  All abilities should be used to shove as fast as possible.  Last hitting should be a consideration but missing up to 2 LH per wave would be ok.

Farm - Standard.  Auto the wave but don't use abilities.  Focus is on the last hitting whilst not allowing the nme to push the wave and not pushing it towards the nme.  Basically, we are trying to have "damage taken by our wave per second = damage dealt their wave per second".  If the nme is perma autoing we would too, if they are last hitting only we would too.

Freeze - this mode seeks to keep the wave just outside our tower range.  Note this is not "only last hit".  I'd like to look at wave DPS and thin the nme wave to stop it from crashing.  I'd love it to use abilities and autos to get CS at the last possible second if the wave is pushing to them in order to help switch it to push to us and not miss CS.

Harras - this is a toggle, should I use abilities on champs when in these modes and I can hit - ideally I'd like a slider for hit chance.  Cos at the moment Jinx hits 90% of her W's in combo and almost none in harras, we might favour throwing abilities out to zone or we might only want to take the shot if it's a high hit chance.

This one's already in the making 😄

7 hours ago, MemeGhost said:

This is by far the best suggestion I have seen.
While evading, orbwalker stops AA to prioritize evade, but there should be a check in place.

This is an issue the evade dev has to deal with. I already hit him with a suggestion of mine to fix that up.

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