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  1. Gratz. Shame it needed to evolve. Will take a look at AL once things settle down IRL.
  2. I'm glad that Noct is on the list. Much prefer champs that are multi role capable. Noct can go Jungle, Top and Mid in pinch. I suppose Morg can Support and Jungle in a pinch but really both are heavily support champs. I feel we have enough options in support to cover a wide base, to be honest I would love one of the harder engage support champs like pyke or nautilus as options as, again, I feel we have plenty of ranged CC enchanter poke types already in Zyra, Brand, Xerath.
  3. I'd really like a strong focus on melee champs, at the moment melees without strong dashes are in a bad spot in the orbwalker. Minion block and the auto pathing moving towards the mouse in farming modes means that the orbwalker will often walk out of auto range and miss a last hit as it tries to path around the path of one of the other minions. Basically farming on melee champs is adequate but I think it can be better. This is double true for team fights. The way evade takes over all inputs, including abilities and autos makes team fights late game with a melee champ like Jax or Olaf or Mundo an absolute nightmare. You jump in or hit a Q and run at them, only to have them through a damage spell at you and your champ dances around all the incoming abilities for the whole fight and gets very little damage off. Dodge only dangerous on Combo Key does help a little, but then identifying every spell that is dangerous and marking them as such every game based on the context of the champion we are playing is challenging at best. I'd like to see the orbwalker and evade dynamically adjusting based on the champ I'm playing. I'd like an extra mode in evade "Dodge only if I'll DIE or get hard CC'd" on a key toggle, then I can hit it an charge into the fray, but I can leave it off for Zeri and Ez who like to stay out of harms way.
  4. I'd love three-laning modes with Harras being handled differently. Possibly levering harras mode we have now as the third. Push - Kill the minions as fast as possible. The fastest way to push the wave is to kill the cannon first, then the casters, and then melees. This is because they deal the most damage in that order and therefore push back hardest. All abilities should be used to shove as fast as possible. Last hitting should be a consideration but missing up to 2 LH per wave would be ok. Farm - Standard. Auto the wave but don't use abilities. Focus is on the last hitting whilst not allowing the nme to push the wave and not pushing it towards the nme. Basically, we are trying to have "damage taken by our wave per second = damage dealt their wave per second". If the nme is perma autoing we would too, if they are last hitting only we would too. Freeze - this mode seeks to keep the wave just outside our tower range. Note this is not "only last hit". I'd like to look at wave DPS and thin the nme wave to stop it from crashing. I'd love it to use abilities and autos to get CS at the last possible second if the wave is pushing to them in order to help switch it to push to us and not miss CS. Harras - this is a toggle, should I use abilities on champs when in these modes and I can hit - ideally I'd like a slider for hit chance. Cos at the moment Jinx hits 90% of her W's in combo and almost none in harras, we might favour throwing abilities out to zone or we might only want to take the shot if it's a high hit chance.
  5. I've used basically every platform and Elocarry is as close as it gets to L# without cycling accounts every 3 games... That's about as good an endorsement as I can give. L# set the bar pretty high as it was in the "good ol day" before Riot hired anticheat teams. If that's not clear enough. ELOCARRY is the BEST script on the market right now. Buy it if you want to play on any account that isn't disposable. Everything else will mean game 4 bans.
  6. Lets assume there is an Ezrael option built in, if that champ starts randomly E'ing when walking to lane (stacking tear with E for example ;-) or Q's towards dragon whenever its off cd then that sort of obviously broken shit will likely be fixed. But if you want a Auto Ult cc'd enemy and its not built in or you want BaseUlt added then tough they have higher priority things for the dev cycles to focus on, like staying ahead in the detection race. Etc. TLDR: Champs are NOT the priority right now, sorry. We love champ scripts and some champs will be supported in the CORE but we don't have the capacity to keep so many plates spinning. We are hoping the community can self support via our API to enable champs that are not in CORE.
  7. Ok we are another month down the line @zlitz
  8. Acounts are always nice to have, thank you. I'm on EUW.
  9. This was one of the biggest hits for me on BoL, the ability to quickly see what champs were supported in champ select when my main was banned. Gonna be a huge help as often we have 1st pick so need all the time we can get :D Good Job.
  10. Do you look like your avatar? JK, welcome to the community!
  11. Not much to say but Hello and lets hope we can create a solid and safe community of unbanned accounts. You will forgive me if I say "hope NOT to see you on the Rift!" ;-)
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