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EC appreciation

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EC has had ups and downs in the last year but one thing I feel we can all agree on is their dedication and consistency/commitment to us. I want to drop some appreciation for their hard work in continuing to strive for a better direction in this market. I have been around EC for a little over a year on and off and while the things that always allows me to stick around is the team. Their dedication in their customers is insane and Zlitz and team has done a wonderful thing here. They are dropping new cheats and reforming old cheats to better suit us and they always strive to improve. 

Drop your appreciation below because these guys deserve it. Let them know how appreciated they are. 

- 0xf

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Absolutely! It is incredible to see how EC has navigated through the challenges and remained steadfast in their commitment to us. Having been part of the community for awhile, it's the team's unwavering dedication that truly stands out. Zlitz , Xaxup, silentsean and the entire team's efforts to innovate and adapt, whether through introducing new cheats or refining existing ones, show a genuine dedication to enhancing our experience. Their focus on improvement and commitment to their customers is remarkable. Kudos to the entire EC team for their hard work and dedication. They definitely deserve all our appreciation!

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