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My Golden 3 rules in climbing

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Rule 1: Don't pick main or onetrick champions only based on what people say is strong, or is easy and simple to play (Stuff like Annie and Nasus). Over everything else comes enjoyment, it's a game after all. That means you should always pick the champions you enjoy playing. It doesn't matter if it's extremely difficult champions like Riven and Yasuo or something simple like Garen. Find something you know that you can stick with, that's what matters. If you pick a s-tier champion and get bored after 10 games, it WON'T help you in the long run. If you pick something you actually enjoy playing, you are more likely to stick with it and see significant improvement over time, no matter which champion it is. (Without trolling)


Rule 2: Always do a background check of the author/creator before you read/watch educational content. I honestly get a massive headache from all those BS guides and videos i've seen over the years. If you are new to the game, i truly feel sorry for you because there is so much worthless information everywhere. Sorting through all of that to find the good info can be a real pain in the ***. I've seen people creating guides for new champion releases even though they've never even tried the champion, and out of pure luck it gets top SEO (search engine optimization) rating, so it ends up being the first guide you see, even though it's full of wrong info. On the other side, we have the dedicated summoners making guides for the champions they love playing.. but there's a problem...Only the gods know their ranks and stats ---> They ALSO have a lot of wrong information. And then we have our youtube-squad with videos like "x amount of champions you MUST learn to improve as ADC". It's all USELESS INFO. I highly recommend that BEFORE you read or watch anything, make sure that you can actually trust the author/creator. Look up his background info - op.gg for example (Does he even play the champions? Is he actually high elo like he claims? etc).I highly recommend watching challenger replays atleast spend couple of mins to just see jungle pathing or some of the trades that goes on and you can improve bit by bit.


Rule 3 DODGE DODGE DODGE. Yeah you probably heard this a lot but i really can't say this enough. Make USE OF IT. You don't lose MMR from dodging. MMR is everything that matters guys. Why load into a game with a 33% winrate ezreal over 40 games and first time thresh? It's a no-go bruvs, just get out of there immediately. i have dodged even in master promos because i simply don't care about the LP. MMR decides how much LP you win and lose, so when you can dodge without sacrificing it, why not make use of it? As soon as you get into champion select, copy paste all names and paste it into op.gg. Do a quick analysis and see if the game is worth playing. Is a onetrick teemo trying to play draven? Nope, dodge. Does the enemy team have a comp that tilts you already in champion select? Dodge. "But there's still a chance to win!!?" It doesn't matter guys. If the enemies pick a comp that tilts you already in champion select, try imagine what it does to your mental ingame when you're getting stomped. That mental will carry over to your next games... So yeah, i don't know how much this actually helped but i felt like putting it out there. Feel free to discuss!

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Rule 3 to dodge "comps that tilt" I have never done before and honestly it's something I probably should do more often... Assuming I don't script.

Thing is... I've gotten tilted off EVERY comp I had to face because of that one champion that gave me PTSD one game. BUT I know that every game is winnable especially if I know that the entirety of the comp falls flat against my pick/team's pick. I know that being tilted off the face of the planet will end with me doing worse and not winning as many games as I should, but at some point I learned to control my tilt and instead learn how to not tilt when I'm against comps I don't particularly enjoy. Low elo w/ scripts I found myself blazing through w/o a second thought just sticking to my guns that despite their good comp I was just the better player(which turns out to be mostly true up until Plat 1 ish). Some games I've lost with superior team comps due to incompetent teammates, but those games are a lot rarer as you climb as you can't assume every player is bad at higher elos. I'll take to heart that dodging is important, but tbh I think it's lowkey fun to tilt a bit. At some point winning every game w/ scripts becomes a chore so the games where they feel like a challenge to my macro become some of the best fun I ever had even if I lost/got a bit tilted. Maybe that's just me being weird, but having fun is the most important part with a game!

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I feel like the rule 3 thing about comps that makes you tilt and dodging it, is partially true. You should evaluate what is better, as "comps that makes you tilt" is actually something wrong with you, that you can improve (and thus get better at the game overall). I'm only dodging if it is something that is out of my hands like teammates with a low winrate, first time champ or if our team just overall has a worse/bad comp. So yes, if you just want to climb it may be the best option, but if you want to get better, you can't have champs or comps you cant play against because you tilt 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Always do a background check"

Also works for part 3, like you said. In champ select, depending on the elo, I'm used to check people in the team. Not only what they play, but if you see a dude on a loss streak playing "troll" stuff then I would tend to dodge.

In low elo, this doesn't really matter because you can still overcome a bad teammate. But in high elo dodging at the right time can save you a lot of MMR.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Blackiechan

Don't BM, don't trashtalk and stay chill. If you're better you'll climb up eventually. Moreso if you're scripting. 0 point in raging while you're scripting.

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