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If you think a Champion is broken, play that Champ


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Play the Champion 15-30 times, i guarantee you one of two things will happen:

  1. you were correct and you'll win a shit-ton of games
  2. You'll get shit on and realize the champ isn't OP you just weren't playing against it properly

It's literally a win-win situation - either you gain LP or you gain experience.

With the help of EC, this will mean it reduces the amount of games even more from 15-30. to single digit games.

I did this with Khazix, I literally jumped from Gold 3 to Plat 3. in a matter of 1 week. 

Then, I realized if you are playing Meta champs, then the games becomes so much easier to carry with.

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This is a tip that a lot of coaches give. When you become main with one hamp, it is easier to climb because, with time, you will know all the pros and cons that your champ have, the synergies etc.

I am playing without any program with jinx and climbed from silver 2 to gold 2 in 3 days i think. In my opinion it is good because I was off the game for like 6 months.

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