Weapons In Apex Legends: A Guide To The Best Apex Guns



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The guns in Apex Legends are the bread and butter of the game, and coupled with how powerful some Legend Ults can be, there are many ways to customise your team’s loadout complexion to seek out a victory. Like any self-respecting shooter-looter battle royale, Apex Legends has a plethora of guns and other weapons to speak of, but it is the former that our guide will cover. For each category, we will break down exactly why a gun is good for its category, whereabouts it ranks within the meta of Apex Legends as of Season 23, and where they each rank within their own categories.

Please note that this list is subjective, however. Guns in Apex Legends are plentiful to say the least and with enough time and practice anyone can make them work. Some gun classes, however, are better than others in terms of their overall consistency in producing and providing the best Apex Legends weapons on offer. We are going to cover the main seven (7) classes of gun: Assault Rifle, SMG, LMG, Marksman, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, and Pistol. So, what do we think are the best guns in Apex Legends?

Assault Rifles

Rank 1: Nemesis Burst

Assault Rifles tend to dominate the mid-range in most fights they are in due to versatility, and the Nemesis Burst is about as consistent as you can get. It bursts down shields with a 4-round fire that quickly charges through its energy-stores to become essentially a fully automatic weapon, and beginners don’t even need to mash the fire button to use it as the heavy lifting is done for them. It has dominated competitive and casual scenes for some time now, and at any range between up-close and sniper-level it maintains a steady accuracy by the hip or in the scope. You can’t go wrong with the Nemesis, and if this is the first time playing Apex you will quickly learn the ropes with this.

Rank 2: Hemlok Burst

This weapon is still comparable with the best in the game, such is the nature of Assault Weapons in Apex Legends, they seem to still maintain their status as the best guns to use right now. The Hemlok Burst is no slouch despite technically being lowest DPS in class. It is technically slightly more efficient as a single-fire option, but the ability to switch fire modes mid-fight is extremely handy for when you need it, and its auto fire is no joke at all. Boasting a better ammo economy than the Nemesis, and maintaining its status as one of the best ambush rifles in the game, don’t overlook this option even if burst-fire weapons aren’t your thing.

Rank 3: V-47 Flatline

The V-47 Flatline remains an incredibly powerful weapon, and a very popular one at that too. Acting as premiere hip-fire, close-quarters encounter Assault Rifle, the Flatline packs a heavy-round punch with how the gun moves and feels. We are now pulling hairs over what makes an Assault Rifle good or not, as unless you are trying to headshot someone from extreme range there aren’t many downsides to the Flatline, other than it perhaps isn’t the easiest weapon to use if you’re new or if you are adjusting to the flow of the game. This gun does, however, have many very loyal Apex players who will swear by its hip-fire and damage output. This could just as easily have been higher in the list, but the Hemlock and the Nemesis are seeing more high-level play at the moment from what we have seen.

Rank 4: HAVOC Rifle

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The HAVOC Rifle is almost an honorary member of the Assault Rifle class, because it stands toe-to-toe with some of the best SMGs in the game for how it performs there. Hip-fire spread and SMG damage output has been up and down for the past few seasons, making the HAVOC an excellent tech-in choice for fast fire-rate, high damage encounters. The other rifles might be more reliable at different ranges, they may technically output better than the HAVOC, and have a number of different upsides – that is why they rank higher here – but a fire rate-increasing Turbocharger and an AOG slapped onto this thing makes it gleeful to use. It is still reliable, all Assault Rifles currently are, but it is definitely the blaze-of-glory’ weapon of the class.

Rank 5: R-301 Carbine

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Not many guns get the pleasure of receiving nicknames from the community, but ‘Ol’ Reliable’ ranking at the bottom of its category should be an indicator of how tight the gaps between ranks in the class are, especially as it is no less viable in many situations than those above. The R-301 Carbine, in fact, excels at longer ranges than some of the rapid-fire weapons above, specifically if you don’t want the abrasive recoil of something like the Flatline. The R-301 always sees play no matter the Season, even if it is outclassed by other rifles. Take heed of any R-301 user, they aren’t using ‘the worst Assault Rifle in Apex’, they are using one gun out of the best weapon class in Apex.

Submachine Guns

Rank 1: Volt

The Volt is the definition of ‘consistency is key’. Being an SMG that still holds up at longer ranges, outputs high damage and has only minimal recoil for what you’d expect a gun in this class to give out. Volt sits proudly besides the Nemesis Burst as a weapon that is as good as it is because it is easy to pick up and use straight away, regardless of ability or time away from the game. Comparisons have been made between the HAVOC and the SMG class, but if you want an SMG to hit like an Assault Rifle then look no further.

Rank 2: Prowler Burst PDW

The Prowler Burst PDW gives out an enormous DPS that can certainly be enticing. The main downside of the weapon is that ammo is often a luxury, its quick 5-round burst fire makes it imperative that you hit with the weapon, or find yourself out of ammo incredibly quick. The magazine size for the weapon doesn’t help either, but once you break through Apex Legend’s glass ceiling of target tracking the Prowler comes into its own. On its best day it can compete with, and maybe even outclass the Volt, but the Volt’s consistency makes the Prowler a slightly harder sell overall. If you happen to use one, however, you’ll struggle to find a weapon that provides a punch like the Prowler.

Rank 3: Alternator

This is the weapon-movement afficionado’s choice, or so it would seem. The Alternator SMG is in an SMG class of its own in terms of handling, with general accuracy and hip-spray spread certainly being a bit more manageable than many other choices. It has a much better mid-long ranged accuracy specifically, and generally decent damage per magazine. The problem is that the total DPS of the weapon can occasionally bring you down with it. If you aren’t making your shots count, or if you are second to react in a gunfight, the Alternator doesn’t have the firepower to bring it around. If you and your team opt for a more aggressive playstyle, however, the gun can be a nice compliment to your loadout.

Rank 4: C.A.R. SMG

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The Combat Advanced Round SMG, or ‘C.A.R.’ for short, gets its name through the tactical switching between heavy round ammunition – its preferred type – and light round ammunition. With both sets of ammo it receives extended magazines, making the C.A.R. perhaps the most versatile gun covered thus far. Its recoil is okay, its DPS is okay, but the versatility is maybe the best and only crucial draw to the weapon. It is fairly easy to use once you can manage your inventory and get into your drop-spotting flow, but weapons such as the Nemesis in particular are perhaps a tad better across the board than the C.A.R. It is still a good option, but with each passing patch we wonder for how long it will remain that way.

Rank 5: R-99 SMG

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The patches were not kind to the R-99 SMG. There is always the chance that Apex Legends will revise the way hip-firing has changed, as close-range encounters shouldn’t be over before a player can even move in a battle royale as that leads to divisive gameplay, but no SMG has suffered from the changes in the way the R-99 has. The recoil is a bitter pill to swallow in order to use the weapon, the damage lags behind other weapons in the game, and the larger magazine doesn’t really mitigate the missed shots compared to less accurate, more damaging weapons in the same class. For the first time on the list, unless changes are made, we can’t offer a recommendation to use the R-99 over the others right now, which is a shame as the gun has historically seen a wide circle of players enjoying using it.

Light Machine Guns

Rank 1: L-Star EMG

Despite the in-general weakness of LMGs in Apex Legends, and despite how they are more commonly employed at greater ranges, the L-Star EMG is actually quite the demon at close-range. Its hip-fire damage and ADS accuracy does lend itself to being a key difference maker when reacting to attacks or ambushing another party at close range. The overheat mechanic isn’t the worst trade off for never needing to reload the weapon, which helps it to become the best of the rest, even if the rest don’t get a lot of love from the developers.

Rank 2: M600 Spitfire

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The top-ranked LMG on our list for mid-range encounters, even if it doesn’t specialise in any other area, the M600 Spitfire is maybe the best choice out of the conventional Rampart-friendly LMGs. When at full firing speed, the weapon is a sight to behold though all LMGs still suffer with reload times. The damage is good enough at longer ranges before accuracy starts to make the DPS fall off, and if you make every shot count you will stand a good chance at shredding through whoever you happen to have in your sights. It does stumble at closer ranges compared to the L-Star, but unless you plan on getting up close and personal the Spitfire would probably rank equal if not higher than our Rank 1 as the best LMG in Apex Legends.

Rank 3: Rampage

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The Rampage LMG has a unique ‘rev-up’ mechanic that can be a blast to use, if a little unstable. The main goal when you have a Rampage out is to find and hold on to a thermite grenade for dear life, as it can overcharged the weapon to eye-watering rounds-per-second count and significantly increase the DPS. It becomes just as good as the L-Star at close range, and better than the Spitfire over longer-distance encounters. When you don’t have a thermite and the gun isn’t charged, that is a different story. It feels much more sluggish and easier to outpower in what should be the premiere high-power mid-range gun category. It is fun to rev-up and fire, but the drop off is stark if you don’t have the tools at hand.

Rank 4: Devotion LMG

Without the attachments to make the gun stand up to even the standard damage of the other weapons in the game, the Devotion LMG is a dead-drop. To make the gun work as intended, you need to find a Turbocharger – which admittedly rings the gun to amongst the fastest firing in the game – and outfit it with a stabilizer at the least. Without these upgrades, it is simply not worth it. With these attachments, it becomes comparable to the L-Star at close range but that’s about it. If you happen to make the plays to grab these items and set the Devotion up, it can be okay, but picking up the Devotion at this point feels like modding out a set of training wheels when a perfect condition motorcycle is also available to you.


Rank 1: 30-30 Repeater

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Patience is crucial with the 30-30 Repeater. Offering great long-range damage output if you wait on the passive charge time whilst aiming down the sights, if it doesn’t kill it certainly will leave your target low enough for your team to swoop in and clean up. Just don’t be caught holding the 30-30 Repeater at close range; it is a much better weapon whilst charged rather than at semi-automatic, and its hip-fire is almost impossible to land being as Marksman a Rifle can be. Use it like you would a Sniper Rifle, and the gun is pretty good.

Rank 2: G7 Scout

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The G7 Scout used to be the best-in-class for the Marksman Rifles, but over time the weapon has begun to ebb away in terms of viability. It is far better a semi-automatic option than the 30-30, so if mid-range accuracy is what you intend to use then the Scout is a great choice (at least from this category). Marksman Rifles need to make every shot count, but with the Scout that ethos is abated with its more forgiving magazine size and fire rate. Newer players may prefer Assault Rifles to get started, but in the right hands the Scout can hold its own.

Rank 3: Triple Take

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It is certainly a unique weapon, and one not without its uses however fringe in nature they are. The Triple Take has three barrels, firing their own ammunition in a spread. Whilst aiming, you can reduce this spread to hit a target more accurately or snipe a tightly-packed corridor or camping spot. It is slow, though. The bullet drop can be annoying, but more so the inevitable assault on all fronts that the Triple Take simply has no way of defending. Being designed to deal with mid-long range threats rather than the comparatively further-distanced targets of a 30-30, the Triple Take can lend itself to more dangerous play which can lead to punishment if you aren’t careful.

Sniper Rifles

Rank 1: Sentinel

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The Sentinel retains its status as the steadiest long-extreme range weapon in Apex Legends, and the best option for Sniper Rifles available. It is a high-damage, small clip Sniper Rifle that can be effective to charging enemies provided they aren’t too close. It is easy to practice with too, as timing the shots to provide a greater fire rate might take a test run or two.

Rank 2: Kraber .50-Cal

Though perhaps not possessing the slightly easier learning curve that the Sentinel has, the Kraber .50-Cal Sniper Rifle is a bolt-action certainly worth any sniper’s time. Headshots are the primary focus here, and being bolt-action it can struggle against movement-oriented Legends and playstyles. Against other snipers, this can lead to instant-classic sniper duels to see who lands a critical hit first. If you are a confident sniper, the Kraber certainly catches the eye.

Rank 3: Longbow DMR

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A most-perplexing weapon at first. Despite its name, the Longbow DMR is unlike the compound bow available. Despite its class, the Longbow DMR is a semi-automatic Sniper Rifle adept at longer ranges – sure – but with more ammo to play with. It is best played as a Marksman Rifle that focuses on miles-away targets, though it can be seen as outdated and outclassed by the best Marksman Rifles in the game, and the damage that the Sentinel and Kraber put out leaves the Longbow in a limbo of sorts, unclaimed though derivative of Snipers and Marksmen before it.

Rank 4: Charge Rifle

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Apex Legend’s railgun equivalent, the Charge Rifle sits at the bottom of the pack but not because it can’t be useful. In the right hands, and as a learning tool, the Charge Rifle can help players improve their aim and timing and can deal a lot of damage when charged. If you’ve heard the phrase ‘easy to learn, difficult to master’, this weapon is that but it is difficult to learn, difficult to master, and difficult to sell to newer players who will not be able to wrap their heads around the odd timing between charges and shots. Landing a long-distance charge shot has few other comparable feelings, but getting to the point where that happens consistently takes a lot of time and effort.


Rank 1: EVA-8 Auto

In a one-versus-one gunfight with no thrills or outside interference, the EVA-8 Auto Shotgun might be one of the best cleanup options in Apex Legends. As a fully automatic shotgun, as the name implies, the cleanup potential in the endgame of a round of Apex is often the difference maker in a scrappy struggle to see off enemies, and a routine firefight no different to early-game. No matter where it has ranked for players in the past, the EVA-8 is hard to ignore now.

Rank 2: Mastiff Shotgun

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Easily making a case to be Rank 1 in the Shotgun category, the Mastiff Shotgun earns its growling reputation with its low-floor learning curve and high damage output, much like the EVA-8. In previous Seasons, the Mastiff has suffered debuffs to its range making it less optimal at any range further than breathing distance, but that is exactly where you want to be with a Shotgun anyway. Don’t be disappointed if you want a Shotgun and can’t find an EVA-8, the Mastiff is still an exceptional Shotgun alternative.

Rank 3: Peacekeeper

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There is always discourse regarding the viability of pump-action or single-fire Shotguns compared to automatic, and often is the conclusion in the favour of the latter. Whilst the damage that the automatics can sustain are what land them higher-up, the Peacekeeper is a high-impact, mass-targeting lever-action Shotgun than has its perks. If you are aiming down the sights, which is rare for a Shotgun, accruing damage is much easier when you land, but harder to pull off as aiming with a Shotgun will never feel natural. The Peacekeeper can certainly pack a punch, but not as quickly and not without leaving a ton of space open between shots.

Rank 4: Mozambique

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The Mozambique Shotgun has perhaps the most turbulent history in Apex Legends, ranking as the best gun in the game at one time and ironic April Fools’ punchline at others. The triangle-spread bullet formation when fired is neat, and holding two of them akimbo used to be a great way of packing damage at close range, but now with changes made to the range and magazine the gun has fallen off a long way. If Apex Legends were bold enough to implement the changes in the first place to stop players from dominating with the weapon, eventually they could be bold enough to reverse their decision. As it stands, the weapon leaves a strange and tumultuous legacy.


Rank 1: Wingman

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It couldn’t be any other choice ranking this high. The Wingman remains, still, the best pistol in Apex Legends. IT has the best damage potential, output, strafe-friendliness, accuracy, you name it. It ranks amongst the best weapons in the game, its ammo type lends itself to great burst-down moments in the various game-states Apex lends itself to and sits comfortably as a solid secondary choice too. The revolver ranks much better than its counterparts and probably will continue to for the foreseeable future.

Rank 2: RE-45 Auto

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The RE-45 Auto isn’t a bad Pistol choice, though it plays once again more like an SMG. The SMG nerfs did a favour to the fully-auto Pistol as have the return of Hammerpoint Rounds. Its magazine size is okay, if a little light, and its damage output is limited to finishing up injured enemies as its lighter rounds and fast fire rate make it a risk at longer ranges. It is most assuredly worth it if found from a care package, but if found as ground loot there are other, better options.

Rank 3: P2020

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What is a bad Pistol choice right now, and our final Apex Legends weapon in the article, is the P2020. The most conventional firearm in the game in terms of appearance underwhelms across the board, but the biggest issue comes from the very core mechanic of the gun. The P2020 is semi-automatic meaning that your trigger-finger has to be on-point to achieve any sort of success with the weapon. If you can master the weapon, the ceiling is quite high as it fires as fast as you can to an extent. If left with a choice between a P2020, though, and a Nemesis or Volt, or even a Wingman, it is almost impossible to justify picking this one up.

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