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  1. Personally, its hard for me to intentionally turn off scripts (or cheats in any game for that matter) and keep them off when i start losing. It takes a lot of control, knowing that you could turn on cheats at any moment and turn the game around.
  2. without: hecarim, diana last time i played legit was s7, its been a while with: irelia riven fiora cassio yasuo and of course adcs. out of those id say irelia is the strongest with a good script. honorable mention to cassio.
  3. hello fellow rift user welcome to ec
  4. What are your favorite animes?
  5. In Canada it seems like there is a divide. Asians don't really give a shit whilst the Caucasians will get together. It's also on a different day, Oct 12th.
  6. I feel like top alcove is mega useless but bot alcove did change some things. For example, there's now 3 bushes for supports to hide in, and hook champions can hide in the alcove and cheese a kill. It's quite hard to get vision in the alcove without an ability (i.e. lux E). It also makes the map ugly
  7. Top lane is now even more irrelevant (play around bot -> get dragons -> win). I've just been playing Tristana top achieving undisturbed lane kingdom, enemy jungler either leaves me alone or loses the game by coming top Sanguine blade is giga op
  8. It's my favorite league song so far The other 3 got carried by Thutmose (Ekko) and the production (its so fucking good)
  9. Am I the only one here that used x22? I loved that shit
  10. Accurex

    OP or NAH

    After using scripts with evade, my hatred for skillshot based champs mostly disappeared. For example, I hated zoe, but with evade you can basically ignore her. Nowadays, I mostly hate invis based assassins, as scripts are the least useful against this class of champion (nothing to kite, dodge, or qss).
  11. In terms of ADCs, Ezreal is the least dependent on his support. In Twitch Rivals tournaments, high elo ADCs paired with Gold E-girl support players would often pick Ezreal. Good prediction on Ezreal feels really amazing to play, even when Ezreal is not strong as a champion.
  12. Gran Turismo 4 on PS2, played the shit outta that with my dad as a kid. I don't see him much anymore, makes me sad whenever I think about it.
  13. Boxbox my favorite league streamer, he has a weird and quirky sense of humor that I've come to enjoy. He feeds quite often but I don't watch him for the gameplay.
  14. L# -> x22 -> Rift Now I'm here. I miss league so much, can't wait for Elocarry.
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