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Everything posted by Madra

  1. I heard free things, free things are always nice
  2. 4 NA Did I understand correctly? There are 5 slots, and whichever region has the majority gets the smurf?
  3. If it's hard for you to keep cheats off when you know you have access to them, you should consider if you also fall into the same category as Daviii where you actually just don't enjoy the game like you used to. A mantra I live by is that if you can't enjoy a game while losing, then you enjoy the concept of winning more than you enjoy the game.
  4. This may seem like an extremely silly topic at first glance, but having been around fallen scripting communities it was rather comical to me to see how many people lost rank after returning to their mains they never scripted on. Even if you think EloCarry will never fall before you quit using it, there will always be downtimes and periods of detection. Back to the topic at hand, the problem here is that people legitimately got worse at the game after using scripts for prolonged periods. League of Legends uses muscle memory and intuition that very easily degrades when not in use. This is why you are "rusty" after coming back from a hiatus. Even more problematic though is that scripting, and cheating in any game for that matter, allows you to make subconscious shortcuts that your brain overwrites your previous intuition with. A prime example of this is SBTW scripts. After relying on them for months, how many of you find yourself holding spacebar in teamfights for no reason? Even if you disable spacebar to center the camera so you can stay on a free look, the added tension actually slows your fast twitch muscles in the rest of your hand delaying your flashes and such by a slight margins which can on some occasions result in death, if 20 ping matters so does every bit of your reaction speed. The simple way to overcome degradation is to not cheat. The simplest solution is truly the only solution. However this doesn't mean not to cheat at all, but to make a plan to practice. Consider your gaming schedule, do you play one or two games a night? Then choose one day out of the week to play without scripts. Do you play upwards of 10+ games every time you get on? Then get your first win of the day without scripts. This simply prevents skill degradation, however you can also use scripts to improve your gameplay after you stop scripting. Think about when you first started playing League, Twisted Fate requires you to literally play a minigame against yourself picking cards, when you are actively thinking about all of your surroundings you miss cards and lock the wrong one, once you have a little experience this never happens anymore. (unless you have a double digit iq that is) However stat stick champions with very few mechanics to learn such as Master Yi are far more effective in the hands of new players. Scripts allow you to play even the most involved champion with 12 passives 3 dashes and 2 executes as if they have the most simple kits. This allows you to focus on macro play much more. When you can last hit without staring down minions you have plenty more time to study the minimap. This will help you master rotations as you learn timings of various champions, Aurelion Sol ganks a side lane much faster than Annie. When you don't have to worry about aiming skillshots as much you can focus on learning engagement priorities and timings. When you have the freedom to let your mind learn new things you can master objectives and teamplay much faster. But this doesn't happen unless you put in the time to learn and practice.
  5. Madra

    EloCarry darkmode

    Burns I love you for this. Can I repay you with a blowjob? No homo.
  6. Real talk, met some legitimate friends I still have on SoJ.
  7. The first online game I every downloaded any cheats or hacks for was GunZ, the hack I used back then was made by Mirage of Penguins. After cheating in many other games I quickly learned that I preferred the way he handled his cheats better than anyone else. I followed him through many different games throughout the years until Mirage started producing scripts on Bot of Legends. This was my introduction to League of Legends. After a period of time Mirage achieved "Developer" rank on BoL, I used that scripting platform for a long time, my first break from scripting came when the League# split happened. Following that there was new drama seemingly every week. This culminated in a few major events; Riot sued League# and my favorite cheat developer officially joined Riot Games as RiotofPenguins. Roughly 3 months before "RiotofPenguins" made his debut, Mirage made his final post in an AMA where he even admitted to having worked for Riot in the past. Yet somehow the BoL team covered it all as Mirage being removed from the site for some other undisclosed reason and everyone forgot it. As a result of all of this I haven't scripted in about 3 years. I still play League, albeit less than before, I have no intents of using scripts to boost my main account because I enjoy playing with my friends and playing at their level. I moved on to get my cheating fix in several other games and found my way into one of the other projects Zlitz works on. He quickly became my new favorite developer, and I have been eagerly waiting the re-release of the updated version of that project. In the meantime I have decided not to dabble in other cheats because, truth be told, I'd rather play a game legitimately than struggle to find a cheat that has a setup I like using. The few months that have passed since Zlitz took down the old version of that cheat have been spent mostly playing WoW Classic, LoL, and the new Modern Warfare. I simply can't enjoy CS:GO without cheats after the release of free to play, the community has changed drastically. I have taken several hiatuses from LoL due to the community and am currently waiting for the next Stage of WoW Classic before continuing my subscription there. As a result I've been console gaming Modern Warfare with my old high school friends and running Trynd down top for the past month and with my high school friends slowly falling out of Modern Warfare I'm finding myself more and more lost for enjoyment to spend in my free time. I joined EloCarry to hope to follow Zlitz through his various projects like I did Mirage for 13 years. I'm rarely an outspoken member in any community I find myself a part of and mostly game to put my brain on autopilot so I never find myself in competitive rings. As a result I tend to only have a very small group of friends within a community of any size and hope I can find one here as well.
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