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Everything posted by ReaZonN

  1. RUNES: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand Nimbus Cloak, Transcendence Bonus: +10% Attack Speed 9% Adaptive +6 Armor Items: Long Sword, Refillable Potion Core Items: Tiamat, Berserkers's Greavers, Stinger, Caulfield's Warhammer, Essence Reaver Full Build: Berserkers's Greavers, Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge, Trinity Force, Ravenous Hydra, Guinsoo's Rageblade Abilty Order E , Q , Q , W, Q , R, Q, E, Q , E, E, E, W, W, R, W, W Introduction: Mid Tryndamere started out as somethng i did so I could Play more roles than top, since I'm only good at Tryndamere. What was once only thought of as a possible flex-role, became my main role for playing Tryndamere. Everything in this guide is relevant to top as well was mid. Consider Looking throught the rune setups for different matchups, and all top matchups are listed under "Top Matchups" at the top of this guide! In Tryndamere current state, I feel like he is best suited for mid lane, and likely will be until some Kind of rework happens. This pick relies on several mechanics and differing playstyles from top, which I will be Focusing on extensively after basics such as builds and runes are covered. If you take the same mentality with mid Tryndamere as you have with top Tryndamere, you will not be met with much sucess. A lot fot the weaknesses, you have top lane are not present in the mid lane, and you dotn have different challegenes thar are unique to the mid lane that you must be Aware of. You have very clear strenghts, that no other mid-laner can match. The Number one reasion you would take Tryndamere Mid is instead of Top is Agency. Top isn't a very impactful role in the game right now, and it doesn't look like much is going to change about that. Mid Lane however, is one of the roles with the highest agency in the game. Tryndamere can greatly affect the map in a much more dominant fashion from the mid lane., whther it be invading the enemy jungle, or ganking side lanes and divning them easily with your ult. No champion can dive bot lane as easily as Tryndamere, and hte amout fo options you have to pull out a tought win are masssive. I have updated this guide to have all the information be the best optimal for top lane aswell , and the difference between the playstyles has shrunk since I first made this guide. Why Tryndamere? Tryndamere has strengths that aren't comparable to anyone else. You can play the game in a way that no other champion can. Your ability to continue staying on the map even after taking a near fatal fight is unmatched. The sheer amount of unhindered mobility allows you to pressure the map much better than other champions. Diving other lanes is a very easy, relatively safe way to get your other lanes ahead. Turrets are not safe for anyone on their team. Laning phase is strong, and you can consistently get early kills on basically every champion, but if you don’t get a lead against certain champions, you can get denied very hard. You have to be proactive against certain lanes/team comps. Aside from a few champions, you don’t have many hard counters in lane, mainly because they are all in the top lane; 90% of matchups mid lane would be the best matchup top lane. Why go Mid? The best matchups you have are generally squishy champions who can be killed fairly easily. This describes 9 out of 10 matchups you play. Getting a lead against these kinds of champions is fairly easy, even if they are aware that you plan on killing them early. Building Tiamat allows you to push and clear jungle camps very quickly, and that potential is much better realized in the mid lane. You would have a hard time diving bot from top lane. Tryndamere is possibly strongest in early/mid-game skirmishes, which are much more likely to happen while playing mid. Your ability to influence the game is stronger when you aren’t on the island that is top. That being said, with great power comes great responsibility. Letting the enemy mid laner get a lead off of you is much more of a problem than if the enemy top laner gets ahead. If you aren’t behind, Tryndamere is the most frustrating mid laner to play against for their entire team. Mid Strenghts Tryndamere has a very consistent ability to get early solo kills against virtually every matchup. You can translate leads into other lanes easily by having very strong roams and denying the enemy jungler. If you are ever ahead, but can’t kill the enemy mid laner, you can push very quickly with Tiamat, then invade the enemy jungle or gank other lanes. You can make plays regardless of how low your health is, or how fed the enemy carry is. You always have options of what you can do on the map, whether it be killing your laner, farming jungle, or roaming. Taking the first turret mid is fairly easy when you are able to at least reliably get them to back. If the turret is low enough after 6, you can ult for the turret to open up the map for even more map control opportunities. Whenever the enemy mid roams or backs, you take turret plates faster than most other mids. He works best in comps that have some other reliable form of waveclear, and AP would be needed depending on the enemy team comp, but it’s not needed most of the time. Tryndamere plays fast enough that being a full AD team isn’t a detriment. You are the most persistent turret-taker in the game. Every successful roam generally should lead to a turret being taken down. Provided your team has any type of wave clear, you always have a win condition no matter how far behind you are, Mid Weaknesses Tryndamere mid is weak when he isn’t able to get a lead against champions who can harrass from range and have good disengage. Those type of matchups can be won, but if you don’t, you are going to have a very hard time being a productive member of your team. You are very susceptible to ganks levels 1 and 2, since you are more often than not going to be using your escape to go forward to establish pressure in the lane. If they pick a team with several tanks and you don’t have a reliable source of magic damage on your team, you will have a hard time winning if you don’t snowball by 20 minutes. How to Improve The way you improve at any champion is by playing that champion. No matter how much information you have, the experience to back it up is the most important aspect of improving. I would recommend starting off with playing Trynd in the matchups that are easiest, so you can get a feel of all the other factors that go into properly utilizing Trynd mid. Learning how to rotate, pressure jungle, gank other lanes, etc. is much easier when you are against a champ that is not going to be able to pressure you out of lane easily. How to Succeed You are a leader, who can lead your team to follow the right macro calls, creating situations in which you can thrive in your win conditions. You can use time effectively, and always be able to justify why you are spending time doing one thing, and not another. You can find ways to create lane priority, and help your team throughout the map. You will always find ways to be useful, no matter how far you, or your team get behind. Pros and Cons Pros +Simple mechanical champion +Great 1v1 potential +Strong splitpusher +Clears jungle quickly +Early snowball potential +Very safe in split. +High raw damage output +Can stay on map while low Cons -Diffucult to learn macro champ -Low teamfight utility -Easy to fall behind -Hard to first pick(Only applies to top lane) -Needs coordinated team -Easy to counter with coordination -Loses 1v1's late to certain champs -Useless without ult -Easily kiteable -Easy to miss ult Thx for Reading.
  2. Dear Elo Carry My Name is Joel Vogel, I'm 24 Years old, I'm playing LoL since Season 2 and hopefully I can start Scripting with Elo Carry as soon as possible. Don't Forget to check my Tryndamere Guide And my Giveaway
  3. I'm doing a EUW Level 30 Smurf Giveaway it has upto 50000 BE Just type here and I will randomly giveaway.
  4. RUNES: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand Nimbus Cloak, Transcendence Bonus: +10% Attack Speed 9% Adaptive +6 Armor Items: Long Sword, Refillable Potion Core Items: Tiamat, Berserkers's Greavers, Stinger, Caulfield's Warhammer, Essence Reaver Full Build: Berserkers's Greavers, Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge, Trinity Force, Ravenous Hydra, Guinsoo's Rageblade Abilty Order E , Q , Q , W, Q , R, Q, E, Q , E, E, E, W, W, R, W, W Introduction: Mid Tryndamere started out as somethng i did so I could Play more roles than top, since I'm only good at Tryndamere. What was once only thought of as a possible flex-role, became my main role for playing Tryndamere. Everything in this guide is relevant to top as well was mid. Consider Looking throught the rune setups for different matchups, and all top matchups are listed under "Top Matchups" at the top of this guide! In Tryndamere current state, I feel like he is best suited for mid lane, and likely will be until some Kind of rework happens. This pick relies on several mechanics and differing playstyles from top, which I will be Focusing on extensively after basics such as builds and runes are covered. If you take the same mentality with mid Tryndamere as you have with top Tryndamere, you will not be met with much sucess. A lot fot the weaknesses, you have top lane are not present in the mid lane, and you dotn have different challegenes thar are unique to the mid lane that you must be Aware of. You have very clear strenghts, that no other mid-laner can match. The Number one reasion you would take Tryndamere Mid is instead of Top is Agency. Top isn't a very impactful role in the game right now, and it doesn't look like much is going to change about that. Mid Lane however, is one of the roles with the highest agency in the game. Tryndamere can greatly affect the map in a much more dominant fashion from the mid lane., whther it be invading the enemy jungle, or ganking side lanes and divning them easily with your ult. No champion can dive bot lane as easily as Tryndamere, and hte amout fo options you have to pull out a tought win are masssive. I have updated this guide to have all the information be the best optimal for top lane aswell , and the difference between the playstyles has shrunk since I first made this guide. Why Tryndamere? Tryndamere has strengths that aren't comparable to anyone else. You can play the game in a way that no other champion can. Your ability to continue staying on the map even after taking a near fatal fight is unmatched. The sheer amount of unhindered mobility allows you to pressure the map much better than other champions. Diving other lanes is a very easy, relatively safe way to get your other lanes ahead. Turrets are not safe for anyone on their team. Laning phase is strong, and you can consistently get early kills on basically every champion, but if you don’t get a lead against certain champions, you can get denied very hard. You have to be proactive against certain lanes/team comps. Aside from a few champions, you don’t have many hard counters in lane, mainly because they are all in the top lane; 90% of matchups mid lane would be the best matchup top lane. Why go Mid? The best matchups you have are generally squishy champions who can be killed fairly easily. This describes 9 out of 10 matchups you play. Getting a lead against these kinds of champions is fairly easy, even if they are aware that you plan on killing them early. Building Tiamat allows you to push and clear jungle camps very quickly, and that potential is much better realized in the mid lane. You would have a hard time diving bot from top lane. Tryndamere is possibly strongest in early/mid-game skirmishes, which are much more likely to happen while playing mid. Your ability to influence the game is stronger when you aren’t on the island that is top. That being said, with great power comes great responsibility. Letting the enemy mid laner get a lead off of you is much more of a problem than if the enemy top laner gets ahead. If you aren’t behind, Tryndamere is the most frustrating mid laner to play against for their entire team. Mid Strenghts Tryndamere has a very consistent ability to get early solo kills against virtually every matchup. You can translate leads into other lanes easily by having very strong roams and denying the enemy jungler. If you are ever ahead, but can’t kill the enemy mid laner, you can push very quickly with Tiamat, then invade the enemy jungle or gank other lanes. You can make plays regardless of how low your health is, or how fed the enemy carry is. You always have options of what you can do on the map, whether it be killing your laner, farming jungle, or roaming. Taking the first turret mid is fairly easy when you are able to at least reliably get them to back. If the turret is low enough after 6, you can ult for the turret to open up the map for even more map control opportunities. Whenever the enemy mid roams or backs, you take turret plates faster than most other mids. He works best in comps that have some other reliable form of waveclear, and AP would be needed depending on the enemy team comp, but it’s not needed most of the time. Tryndamere plays fast enough that being a full AD team isn’t a detriment. You are the most persistent turret-taker in the game. Every successful roam generally should lead to a turret being taken down. Provided your team has any type of wave clear, you always have a win condition no matter how far behind you are, Mid Weaknesses Tryndamere mid is weak when he isn’t able to get a lead against champions who can harrass from range and have good disengage. Those type of matchups can be won, but if you don’t, you are going to have a very hard time being a productive member of your team. You are very susceptible to ganks levels 1 and 2, since you are more often than not going to be using your escape to go forward to establish pressure in the lane. If they pick a team with several tanks and you don’t have a reliable source of magic damage on your team, you will have a hard time winning if you don’t snowball by 20 minutes. How to Improve The way you improve at any champion is by playing that champion. No matter how much information you have, the experience to back it up is the most important aspect of improving. I would recommend starting off with playing Trynd in the matchups that are easiest, so you can get a feel of all the other factors that go into properly utilizing Trynd mid. Learning how to rotate, pressure jungle, gank other lanes, etc. is much easier when you are against a champ that is not going to be able to pressure you out of lane easily. How to Succeed You are a leader, who can lead your team to follow the right macro calls, creating situations in which you can thrive in your win conditions. You can use time effectively, and always be able to justify why you are spending time doing one thing, and not another. You can find ways to create lane priority, and help your team throughout the map. You will always find ways to be useful, no matter how far you, or your team get behind. Pros and Cons Pros +Simple mechanical champion +Great 1v1 potential +Strong splitpusher +Clears jungle quickly +Early snowball potential +Very safe in split. +High raw damage output +Can stay on map while low Cons -Diffucult to learn macro champ -Low teamfight utility -Easy to fall behind -Hard to first pick(Only applies to top lane) -Needs coordinated team -Easy to counter with coordination -Loses 1v1's late to certain champs -Useless without ult -Easily kiteable -Easy to miss ult Thx for Reading.
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