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Everything posted by Tonghyon

  1. Kiting is important issue with or walker is that when evading and taking a step it sometimes doesn’t auto even in range and tries to use evade as priority I think it should have a check where if the evade was successful and it’s going to dodge the next attack then it should suit or use skill instead of just evading it might be evade issue but I have noticed this in old evade too Orb walker should be smooth I think we can get a lot more autos but it’s slow this is what affecting adc since autos are important and speed they click it should have good logic to switch between targets fast based on range health and distance to you and determine your health and enemy health to see if you can get a kill before you die I have seen some orb walkers in the past with insane inhuman clicks I know league tracks clicks but it would be nice to have orbwalker that can cancel auto animations etc to get more autos in I usually do manual cs but if you can figure out how to get almost perfect cs that would be great the logic so far on cs under turret doesn’t make sense it almost missed 50%
  2. Thank you for the updates team ec is going in the right direction here are some things I found that needs fixing also some suggestions Fixing ec+ Jinx e logic is messed up always casts late or wrong position kogmaw I think his q and e is set to very high because it Barely casts them in fights I had to manually cast them many times yone manual ult key used to work no matter what settings were under combo mode now it won’t work unless you disable only killable under combo mode Suggestions for ezreal when you use manual key instead of selecting a champion maybe have the script auto select low health champion and cast it similar to jinx zeri w misses about 40% for me rested in 2 games maybe you can test it to see if there any improvements to be made there Massive fps drops in fights from 75 to 40-50 I have a lot of things disabled like awareness and enemy spells and ally spells trackers and still getting low fps without ec I get 300+ I am on all amd setup maybe you can test on an ahmad setup to see if there is any improvements in fps that can be made or any recommendations I am playing on lowest settings and doesn’t make a difference for me
  3. Was your name the same at rift.lol? I am pretty sure I seen the same name there but at the same time it’s common lol. But yeah man rift.lol haha that was some funny stuff
  4. What’s up everyone Tonghyon here . I have been in the scripting community for a long time and I was looking for a new platform something different something more secure not easy to get into and I was told about elocarry after reading forums and talking to Zlitz. I see a big future in this platform and what it can achieve . I am happy to join here with you guys and happy to share my knowledge of things I have learned can’t wait to start using this new “ gaming chair “
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