exactly, we are trying to rebuild everything and get everything back in working order as quickly as possible, just recently we got the core back to a working state that was good enough to be releaseable.
no, i'm sorry for the confusion here (and i'm not 100% sure @Zlitzment what he said exactly) the testers and i have been testing out the built in champion scripts, what i assume zlitz was trying to say was there was going to be no external scripting availability till later (a sdk for c++ or lua) but it was on the slate to happen.
i know personally speaking i've been working on evade, previous attempts have fallen short and never made it to production but this is quite a heavy task so it might not be absolutely perfect on release.
as for champion scripts, i just confirmed with zlitz and he did confirm that we are 100% going to include a list of champions that will have scripts. i'll let him announce what champions are supported.