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EC2 - Orbwalker suggestions

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- When minions are under turret (ally turret), make orbwalker AA minions that does not have turret aggro instead of stalling to lasthit (especially on canon waves and aggro is on canon minion). 

- Orbwalker should have profiles set for scripts (example Katarina needs low HP in target selector), so while using Auto it should assign the right settings. That goes for use abilities before AA.

- Melee-ranged champions with current OB cancel alot of AA because of Evade, causing you to run around enemy team while seeing your HP going down.

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58 minutes ago, CopOut said:

For Viktor, when holding combo, and if next to a minion to Q the minion for a speed boost to get close to a champion running away.

This should get handled by the champion script and not by the Orbwalker.

3 minutes ago, MemeGhost said:

- When minions are under turret (ally turret), make orbwalker AA minions that does not have turret aggro instead of stalling to lasthit (especially on canon waves and aggro is on canon minion). 

- Orbwalker should have profiles set for scripts (example Katarina needs low HP in target selector), so while using Auto it should assign the right settings. That goes for use abilities before AA.

- Melee-ranged champions with current OB cancel alot of AA because of Evade, causing you to run around enemy team while seeing your HP going down.

- This could cause you loosing all minions with turret aggro, don't worry I'll come up with a good farming logic.

- If setting the Target selector to Auto I will try my best to define rules that always pick the best mode for the current champion etc.

- This is most likely an issue related to Evade. I will talk to Hudy about that.

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Kiting is important issue with or walker is that when evading and taking a step it sometimes doesn’t auto even in range and tries to use evade as priority I think it should have a check where if the evade was successful and it’s going to dodge the next attack then it should suit or use skill instead of just evading it might be evade issue but I have noticed this in old evade too 

Orb walker should be smooth I think we can get a lot more autos but it’s slow this is what affecting adc since autos are important and speed they click it should have good logic to switch between targets fast based on range health and distance to you and determine your health and enemy health to see if you can get a kill before you die


I have seen some orb walkers in the past with insane inhuman clicks I know league tracks clicks but it would be nice to have orbwalker that can cancel auto animations etc to get more autos in   

I usually do manual cs but if you can figure out how to get almost perfect cs that would be great the logic so far on cs under turret doesn’t make sense it almost missed 50% 

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Another logic I'd love is to do a minion check, let's give a scenario of playing Ezreal

You have a minion between you and the enemy ADC, the enemy is using this one minion to dodge your skill shots, you're holding space bar

I'd love some logic to recognize this, change focus to minion, kill it and resume targeting the enemy.

As it stands right now, when this scenario happens, most times Ezreal does not even Q unless you change to holding lane clear.


Something like do the normal minion check logic, then check if you're a skill shot champ, then logic check if less than x amount of minions between you and enemy hero, determine if it's better to clear minion or just focus on enemy champ.


This scenario is more prevalent in champion supports like Pyke, Thresh, Blitzcrank where they can instant kill a minion due to support items.


As stated above, right now Evade and Orbwalker are not integrated well with each other. I have NEVER once seen any evade and orb walker work in harmony, usually Evade is forces priority. Ideally we'd want to seem as natural as possible when evading, so throwing in some autos while evading would be the best scenario. Or do a health check on yourself, your damage, incoming damage and enemy health and dictate which should take priority: evade or orbwalker. If the Xerath is 2 autos away from dying, don't dodge his Q at full hp. Take it and kill him.


Another feature if possible is optimizing the best path to closest target selected. Say you're lane clearing and the cannon is just out of range, then optimize the best path to kill the cannon, or place us on the best intercept vector based on enemy's way points and move speed vs ours, mark the intercept point as an awareness feature that's optional to turn off. If we're playing champion like Vi, Riven, etc give us jump vectors that we will automatically do to jump over jungle walls. I've seen this in other systems where they're clickable way points and Riven will just use her Q to wall hop.


Anyway I'm done for now.

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