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AD varus

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On 3/23/2023 at 8:47 AM, Xaxup said:

We do support Varus, althought he was made for AP purposes. 
You can try him AD it should also be decent, but of course not that good, but yes I might do a Varus for AD script in the future.

varus uses Q too early against running enemy not landing on them, can you make Q2 to be casted when it has longer range?

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5 hours ago, Xaxup said:

I will look into it, but sounds like prediction 


7 hours ago, drone0530 said:

varus uses Q too early against running enemy not landing on them, can you make Q2 to be casted when it has longer range?

https://streamable.com/8r17uz i made a suggestion post about this, the issue is varus Q is not charging because it calculates the target is killable so it doesnt charge it for longer range, like this streamable clip (atleast thats my guess) so a charged q  for longer range option or something would be nice

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