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15 Inactive (1 year+) LoL Accounts - 50+champions!

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Hello guys!
I decided to giveaway great, inactive League of Legends accounts with 50+ champions.
These accounts have not been active for a minimum of 1 year.
They are on different servers so everybody can find something for self.

Rules of giveaway:
1) first come first served
2) one account per one user

What you need to do: 
1) to take part in giveaway you need at least a rank "Challenjour"
2) you need just answer to one question:
On which champion you have the biggest fun using scripts and why?
3) write a post with the answer to the question and select the account that interests you (for example: "NA2" or "EUNE5")

Once you write the post and select the account, I will try to send it as soon as possible via private message. (max. 24 hours, due to work during the week)
I will try to update the accounts that I have already gave away. However, please read the posts above. Do not make a mess and do not ask for an account that was already given out.

List of accounts:

1) last play 11.11.2017, 54 champs, 8 skins
2) last play 29.11.2016, 62 champs, 23 skins
3) last play 22.12.2017, 63 champs, 17 skins
4) last play 02.06.2018, 61 champs, 23 skins
5) last play 08.08.2018, 61 champs, 31 skins

1) last play 31.08.2018, 51 champs, 16 skins
2) last play 21.01.2018, 52 champs, 8 skins
3) last play 01.02.2018, 53 champs, 9 skins
4) last play 09.09.2018, 55 champs, 8 skins
5) last play 19.02.2018, 56 champs, 7 skins

1) last play 07.07.2018, 55 champs, 56 skins
2) last play 14.11.2017, 59 champs, 12 skins
3) last play 26.11.2018, 60 champs, 82 skins
1) last play 08.06.2018, 69 champs, 56 skins
2) last play 15.12.2018, 59 champs, 18 skins

*green colour - account available
*red colour - account not available

Let's get started!

Edited by kalol
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First of all thanks for the giveaway, I think this giveaway is interesting for everyone here 🙂

My favorite champ with scripts is Twitch because he is legit my main and with scripts it is even more fun.

I would be happy about the 2nd account in EUW.


Best regards,


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Thank you very much for this good act! I am from LAS!

In reality I have 2 champions that I really like to play with these programs. Vayne and Riven! They are authentically unstoppable with a little brain and some good Scripts mechanics!

I would like very much the first LAS account!

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Cheers buddy.

Favourite champs to script on... Hmmmm. I do enjoy any champ with the ability to base ult, Jinx or Ezreal. Those base ults are pretty fun. Also a big fan of Yasuo. But I always mix it up and play as many different champs as I can haha.

NA3 if possible ;D 

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Guest Azoth

Thanks for the giveaway!

Favorite champ is probably Jinx... scripts are just so much more useful on ADCs than any other role.

Would like NA1 if possible.

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On which champion you have the biggest fun using scripts and why?

I find Vayne to be the most fun because it always surprises people when they realize the feeding Vayne actually has some skill late game to carry the team (it's a pretty safe pick imo, but of course it depends on script quality). Second to that, I find soraka fun because nobody plays against a scripting soraka well XD

If NA2 is open I'd like to grab it!

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