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XavierFaux's Question of the Day #1

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Hello! In an attempt to make the community a bit more active while we wait for the inevitable release of EloCarry, I propose that we have some daily discussions on random topics until we can discuss what can be improved upon with EloCarry on release!

Today's question! What is the hardest lesson that you've had to learn?

For me, that lesson was that people are not obligated to follow you regardless of whether you're right or wrong. Even if what you say would benefit a lot more people, how you say it and how people perceive it will definitely cause people to turn away from you. This lesson also taught me that I don't NEED everyone to follow me. As long as people find out the truth that you were right, that's really what mattered to me. 

How about you guys? What lessons have you learned that were difficult? Maybe you can help someone out here by sharing your experience!

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That's a pretty deep question and iv been sitting here for a while contemplating a response. 

I don't believe that I've had to learn a truly hard lesson but as I mature I have gained a different perception on life to that of my teenage self.

The biggest thing that I have learnt is to just accept who you are and be yourself. If the people around you cant accept the real you then they aren't the sort of people who you should be putting your time into.

I may have lost or became distant with some old friends along the way but I now have a much better relationship with the ones that remain and I would do anything for each and everyone of them (and I believe that they will do the same for me).


Obviously this advice has its limitations as the real you may be a terrible person, in which case you would need to work on you. But as long as your not on the extreme edges of society then this should make you a happier more confident person in the long run.

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15 hours ago, MrCamper said:

That's a pretty deep question and iv been sitting here for a while contemplating a response. 

I don't believe that I've had to learn a truly hard lesson but as I mature I have gained a different perception on life to that of my teenage self.

The biggest thing that I have learnt is to just accept who you are and be yourself. If the people around you cant accept the real you then they aren't the sort of people who you should be putting your time into.

I may have lost or became distant with some old friends along the way but I now have a much better relationship with the ones that remain and I would do anything for each and everyone of them (and I believe that they will do the same for me).


Obviously this advice has its limitations as the real you may be a terrible person, in which case you would need to work on you. But as long as your not on the extreme edges of society then this should make you a happier more confident person in the long run.

That's something to keep in mind for sure. Of course, I'm the closet cheater of the group so I can only ever be so open. However, we all need our secrets. I choose to portray my "real" self as the best parts of me whilst I work on suppressing or getting rid of the bad parts. Whether you believe cheating/scripting to be a good or bad part is up to interpretation. But yes, being yourself has a real payoff!

14 hours ago, Italy said:

I've learnt quite a few thinsg. However the most valuable but not the hardest lesson i learnt was that honesty always pay off more than quick schemes

It may have not been the hardest, but it was very valuable to learn and I do appreciate honest work over quick schemes. I've seen how scams work and have fell for some of course, but I don't feel like I could ever bring myself to ever break a trust after building it up. Imagine if Rift didn't exit scam. The platform could have kept going for quite a while assuming AC was actually bypassed(which we know it wasn't but pretend it did for a bit). The trust built that we'd have a platform that could have lasted could have honestly brought in plenty of customers and a nice income to both Rift and the resellers. Sure, the quick exit secured Rift a bit of money, but he could have done even more. 

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One thing I've learned is to 'shut up and try'.

It is always frightening to challenge something unfamiliar. But when something is worth a challenge, you should try it without making excuses.


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I guess you could say always save your money or say what you can I was fortunate enough to have a very good job outside of high School and I had no expenses but I never saved money and now that I'm a little older I'm starting to save but if I would have started saving what I was 18 I would have had over $20,000 saved up maybe.

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Guest Viaggravated

One lesson i’m Constantly re-learning is sacrifice and compromise.

I was diagnosed with depression about 2-3 years ago and haven’t been in a place where I can work and function as a stable unit, so I’ve had to focus on what I can and can’t do.

The medicine I take (citalopram) makes me super sleepy, so I often sacrifice time spent playing games or seeing loved ones to tend to my awkward sleeping habits for personal health, which is really hard.

I’m often physically no better off than a zombie with no brain to pilot it, so another compromise I’ve had to come to is to play a lot of single player games where the progression of them aren’t super limited by your ability to perform, or at least there are shortcuts (e.g. cheat codes/hacks/glitches/guides) that can essentially perform for me when I can’t. 

I love online games and competing, but being mentally numb and sleepy often makes it really hard to stay competitive and keep an edge.

I’m frequently finding things that I can’t do so well because of this, and there’s no easy way around it, so sacrifice and compromise comes up a lot for me.

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