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COMPREHENSIVE Guide on Best Scripting ChampionsMID


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Note: I only chose champions that guarantee some sort of carry one way or another i.e. if you lose lane hard at-least you have late game scaling or strong early game presence that you can snowball with. These are good champs.

Middle Lane

Viktor: Mid/Late Game One Shotting Monster, requires minimal knowledge of positioning to execute properly w/ Scripts. 

Viktor, contrary to popular belief, is strong at all stages of the game. You can kill enemy with full combo at 6. However, this script play-style of Viktor requires game knowledge and skill. So for the general masses, what you want to do is play passively up until 6, merely farming and harassing them with E and occasional Q's. If jungle ganks, go full out by all means with W, etc. When you hit 6 and upgrade your E, push wave and look to secure dragon or kill bot-lane w/ junglr. When you get 3 items (Lich, Ludens & Death-cap) you can go maniac mode. You explode everything, but use your team to peel for you because you can still die unless you know what you're doing.


Azir: Strong Poke Early with Hail of Blades, Can Secure Kill Level 6 with Shurima Shuffle Combo (Assuming that's implemented in EC). Disgusting Monster 1v9 Damage Late game.

Azir is good at all stages of the game because of his safety in lane phase with his w+e+q combo + his harass and safe farming in lane phase. Upon hitting 6, you can solo lane depending on who it is, or call jungler and shuffle them netting you an easy kill. Beware of burst champions like Akali, Kassadin and Vladimir. Azir can do a lot of damage but he's very fragile because of his low health pool and resistances. 

After laning phase is over, you do NOT want to be side-laning unless you have clear vision or enemies are dead or you're merely picking up minion wave.  You're not Kassadin or Ekko. Azir is highly dependent on team to protect him.


Orianna: Poke 24/7 from level 1 to end of game. Always freeze wave under tower then proceed to harass unless you need to shove. You get hard power-spike after ludens, you will constantly pressure enemy mid to either back or stay and thus die. Basic Wave management skills such as freezing and denying cs w/ correctly timed shove highly recommended. You can roam after level 4. 

Always stay safe in later team-fights in the back-line.


Cassiopeia: You can kill them level 2 after hitting q then spamming e but depends on matchups. You are a disgusting lane bully, possibly the most oppressive one in all of league of legends. Use that to your advantage and suck the life out of your enemy laner. Very strong mid/late game. Beware of early ganks.


Syndra: Lane bully like Cassiopeia. But it depends on enemy laner, if its a yas, prob not good idea going too close to him unless you are good. But overall, harass heavily in lane, you can easily first blood levels 2-6. Big damage later.


Lucian: You can get possibly destroyed depending on who your enemy is and how good he is. But overall, pretty solid "fun" pick. Does decent damage early, can get first blood before 6. If you get kills early go ahead and roam and snowball because you do alot of dmg with big early lead. I don't recommend this champ if u are serious about climbing


Xerath: personally don't play this champ because of three main reasons: 1. Boring Kit. 2. Extremely weak against dash champions 3. Always susceptible to script calls. But if u want to play him, he's viable. Just play like a scared bot all game, poking from far away, and push lanes and never sidelane unless safely roaming. 


Vladimir: It all depends on script quality. If the script quality is amazing 10/10 with full combos such as prepare e > flash > r > ignite > let go of e > q, then vlad is a good pick otherwise dont pick if script is trash.


Yasuo: Again, depends heavily on script quality AND your own game knowledge. If you are bad at the game, do not use use Yasuo for serious climbing; you will int.


As for other midlaners.... I can't say much because I haven't experimented with EC's scripts yet. When I get the subscription I will update this






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