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I can’t submit a HWID reset request, why?

If you see this error “You cant submit a HWID reset request at this time.” It could be due to multiple issues, including a time synchronization issue on your PC or a cache/cookies issue in your browser. Here’s how you can fix it:

  • Chrome:
  1. Open Chrome > Three dots > Settings.
  2. Go to Privacy and security > Clear browsing data.
  3. Check Cookies and Cached images > Clear data.
  • Firefox:
  1. Open Firefox > Three lines > Settings.
  2. Go to Privacy & Security > Clear Data.
  3. Check Cookies and Cached Web Content > Clear.
  • Edge:
  1. Open Edge > Three dots > Settings.
  2. Go to Privacy > Choose what to clear.
  3. Check Cookies and Cached images > Clear now.
  • Sync your PC time:
    1. Right-click on the clock in the bottom-right corner and select “Adjust date/time.”
    2. Make sure “Set time automatically” is turned on.
    3. Click “Sync now” under “Synchronize your clock.”
  • Retry the HWID request:
    • After syncing your PC time, try submitting your HWID request again.

If the problem persists, contact support for further assistance.

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