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  1. Much more team dependent now, which i dont like as a jungler. Simply because = if team sucks, you suck and cant take objectives such as heralds/dragons (in high elo where a team is actually necessary)
  2. Feel like powerleveling as a jungler comes back to League, like back where you could level Feral Flare for 20ish Minutes, come out and kill everyone.. we (junglers) just have to wait for an feral flare~ish item i guess
  3. @Chase lmao i'd give that a 10/10
  4. Welcome to the community my dude
  5. *Insert Cable Comment here* A: im a lazy fuck Video: running on 5,2Ghz Speccy shows my i7 9700k as 7700, idk why https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/21532576 WhatsApp Video 2019-11-08 at 14.21.33.mp4
  6. Being active while working 12/ish hours a day is not that easy, but still looking forward for the release.
  7. Me as an ex challenger player approve this, if you hit Challenger (doesnt matter if you are the worst dogshit player ((there are plenty of challenger players who are dogshit)) ), or go to challenger with 100% wr, they bang you for either attention or boosting 1-2 leagues. There are lots of e-sports hunter girls too btw, got like 80% of all academy players as friends and they do sick stuff, like boosting accounts from Unranked to Master 100% Winrate just to get laid or for a few nudes. Boys are desperate too, especially the 18 year old newcomers to the esports scene lul
  8. Wouldn't consider it being old mate, you've got alot of time to work with Hope you have a nice and long stay withing the Community.
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