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Everything posted by OverSight

  1. funny thing i saw yesterday :)
  2. Welcome to EC, so excited about Elocarry's future
  3. Oh this is nice, thank you!
  4. I haven't found one person who did not like this.
  5. Welcome! Lots of respect to you, hope we can play sometime. (I have similar career interests as you but I am in college lol)
  6. Hopefully not to late to enter... xd
  7. I actually just read about that on unknowncheats. I think they might of made a change very recently?
  8. Yes I am aware of that. Deep HWID bans are something else. For most cases however, this method is usually sufficient.
  9. Damm this is a really good guide. I like how simple your explanations are. Also, D2 legit is very impressive. Can't wait to see you in challenger.
  10. I am unsure how public this method is but I recently learned about this and I thought it was useful. If EAC did not do a deep HWID ban, this method will not work for you and you may need to reformat your drive. Things required: - HWID spoofer from a provider - Revo Uninstaller Method: 1) Download Revo Uninstaller: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tsuty0jzy413es6/AABnisNtaxeLK-zmATyXwPWKa?dl=0 2) Once you've downloaded and installed it, do not run it until you replace the license (instructions are inside). 3) Open Revo Uninstaller 4) Uninstall Apex Legends 5) You'll be prompted to do a scan for extra files, click on "Advanced Scan." Select everything it finds and click delete. 6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for origin as well. 7) Press the Windows Key + R and run %appdata% 8) Delete anything related to EasyAntiCheat, Apex Legends, and Origin. 9) Empty Trash. 9) At this point, you'd want to use your HWID spoofer and then reinstall Origin/Apex. 10) Try playing on a new account. If you followed all the steps and still manage to get banned, you'll need to reformat your drive.
  11. Holy shit wait, I remember you from L#! Hey!!
  12. Some of you guys have really sick setups lol damm
  13. How to use cloze deletions youtube video: How to use Image Occlusion:
  14. This is a bit of a continuation of my other guide: Highly recommend checking this out first. I should preface by saying that when it comes to memory, your brain needs to time to encode things. If you want to learn a lot, your greatest asset is to plan ahead and study/learn the topic a little bit every day. Anki is something you want to be committing to everyday and making a habit to review. If you do not review everyday, you'll find that your cards stack up and you create way too many cards to review everyday. If you cram, you will trade off a lot of your ability to retain the information for speed (which is not always ideal). Download: https://apps.ankiweb.net/ Recommended add-ons: Image Occlusion: Anki 2.1 Code: 1374772155 Load Balancer: Anki 2.1 Code: 1417170896 Pop-up Dictionary: 153625306 Settings: In your default deck, click on the gear icon and change: the "New Cards/Day" setting to 9999 I didn't mean to submit the topic but I will continue the guide here. - Steps ( in minutes) : 3 15 - Graduating Interval 1 - Easy Interval: 1 - Starting ease: 250% Notes: - Never press easy unless you really know it. - If you're looking at a card for the first time, press good and press again or good again on the second time around. - If you are having trouble focusing, try the pormodoro method. Study for 25 minutes (or a goal that you can hit), take a 5 min break. Repeat. - Make flashcards for things that are extremely difficult to memorize. Try not to make flashcards that are not exactly necessary. Card Types: - Normal Flashcards: Self explanatory. - Cloze Deletions: These are essentially how to make fill in the blank statement type flashcards. These types of flashcards can be very effective and quick to go through. - Image Occlusion Plug-in: This add-on allows you to take an image in your clipboard and blur out areas for the flashcard and reveal them on review. Great if you need to memorize diagrams. How to use cloze deletions youtube video: How to use image occlusion:
  15. Oh if this still works, this is actually a pretty sick tip. Thanks
  16. I think many of you guys know this but if you don't, this is super helpful if you have a lot of accounts. Go to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config For these files: - game.cfg - PersistedSettings.json -> Go to properties, and change the settings to Read-Only. Done! If you ever need to change your settings, you'll need to uncheck this, because your new settings will not save if you do not do this.
  17. "The thing about being alive is you're all in. This is gonna kill you. So play the most magnificent game you can while you are waiting. I mean, do you have anything better to do? Really?" - Jordan Peterson
  18. I don't think about life that way. I think of everything I want to do daily and I am more process oriented than outcome oriented. I might just be in a different headspace nowadays in general but sometimes you gotta fight and be disciplined. Don't engage in "mental fights." It's a waste of your resources. Maybe try a marital art like jiujitsu or judo. From what you are saying, I have a feeling you'd like it.
  19. Stay safe! Corona is one hell of a virus
  20. Looks so good. I'm happy that you guys are so into aesthetics lol.
  21. I think this is a good guide for everyone because you can apply this to league and life in general. I think if you're going to script effectively, you'll likely need to still remember a lot of league concepts at higher elos because scripting only covers your mechanics. Scripting can't exactly save your game knowledge. Before I start, I should give a little bit of background of how memory works. This is the forgetting curve. When we remember something, the information we remember is retained almost perfectly in the beginning, but it will fall off exponentially. I am going to try to write about how you can efficiently remember things and discuss the best practices. Understand that your brain is tries to prune out information that it thinks is not really necessary for its survival and that's why we tend to forget things if we do not revisit them. To retain new information you've stored, we want to interrupt this forgetting curve. Let me give you an example of what I mean. A lot of students will review the same piece of information like this: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Test date However, a more effective schedule would be: Day 1, Day 3, Day 7, Test date Doing it this way not only takes you less time to memorize something but also gives you a better encoding of the memory than if you did it everyday. If you space out the times you try to recall something, these memories will go into long-term memory and be encoded and decrease the probability that you will forget it in the future. Your practice should be interleaved with other things and give time for your brain to digest information. In addition, if you want to memorize something quickly, your brain has to expend cognitive effort on it. If you are going to memorize something, DO NOT do the following. - Highlight (no scientific evidence to show that this helps with recall) - Reread (very low yield way to memorize) Instead, you should do activities that force you to recall the information later in a meaningful way. Ex. We are trying to memorize a date such as when did Benjamin Franklin die. The question you would ask yourself would be: When did Benjamin Franklin die? Answer: April 17, 1970 Simply asking yourself the question is enough cognitive effort to help your brain encode this memory. Other ways of forcing your brain to expend effort to memorize something are - Fill in the blank statements. - Spider diagrams for one topic - Asking yourself to recall the steps to a procedure or pattern - Making a memory palace (Go around your house and place notecards of a word or concept you need to memorize and then imagine yourself walking through your place with those concepts. Very effective for people in memory competitions.) If you want to stream line this process, you can use a tool called Anki. https://apps.ankiweb.net/ This tool is essentially a fancy flashcard program that keeps track of the cards you are weak at. However, what is great about Anki is that it does take advantage of spaced repetition and only has you memorize cards on a set schedule. (I will likely make a guide for Anki if people are interested) I hope you guys found this guide interesting and helpful!
  22. Hey guys, I'm glad to be a part of this community. I used to script a lot with LSharp back in the day and capped out at D5. After LSharp went down, I took a really long break from league and video games in general but in that time, I've learned a lot of things. I think I want to make a lot of guides (Offtopic Guides section) that are more psychological but I think they will help with league and IRL in general. Hope to talk to more of you soon. -OverSight
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