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  1. Hello to all guys I leave a zed guide of my experience as an expert zed player for years with thousands of games played with the champion, I hope it helps you. Upvote if the content helped u and SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH I DID MY BEST!! ---- ITEMS BUILDS AND PATH ---- EARLY GAME: We will start the game with Long Sword and 3 Potion of Life. -> In the first backs we will buy: > Buy at least after or before. And instead of buying if possible in the first back. Remember to buy every time you get over 75 Gold. ----> BUILD AND RUNES <---- This is in my opinion the optimal construction of Zed currently and the one that has given me the best results. The only change would be to change Filo of the night for Guardian Angel to endure more in team fights and play more defensively and / or if you are very fed and want to avoid giving a lot of gold to the opponent. STANDARD -> Important: We can change `` Storm is approaching / Gathering Storm '' to `` Nullifying Orb / Nullifying Orb '' if we go against an AP and want to play safer. '' Pyrolaser / Scorch '' if we want to play aggressive vs. easy lines The choice between Youmuu's Ghostblade and Duskblade of Draktharr depends on the situation: Duskblade of Draktharr: it is better for the 1v1, if you can kill the enemy laner and snowballear, it is a better choice. Youmuu's ghostly edge: it's better to help your team with roams to the bot lane. If you can't kill the enemy laner or if you buy the Seeker's Bracelet + Ninja Tabi, buy Youmuu's Ghostblade, roam a bot and try to draw kills and put your lane bot ahead. Tip 1: If I'm very fed, my third object after Duskblade of Draktharr and Youmuu's Ghostblade would be: 1. Edge of the night: If they do not wear armor. 2. Lord Dominik's Regards: If you buy some armor, such as the Seeker's Bracelet or Ninja Tabi. 3. Assault knife: If they have a Squishy team / without tanks. Tip 2: If you have a bad start, a good build path would be Youmuu's Ghostblade> The Black Cleaver. It is more consistent. We will improve Last words to Lethal Reminder if they have 2 or more sources of healing or just a Soraka. -> Depending on the situation and the enemy team, we will use the following builds: Important: Here we will buy Hexdrinker on the first back and the boots we will use will be Mercury Boots. There are also other variants on certain items such as: - Buy Hexdrinker in the first back if you are having problems against the enemy AP Mid, especially against Burst AP assassins (Annie, LB, Katarina, Fizz). Also, buying Mercury's Boots will deny much damage. - If you reach about 45-50 minutes, you can change boots for Spectral Dancer. - It is a good option to buy first item Edge of the night vs. Annie, since we will activate it and we can do it All-in since we will avoid its stun. - Guardian Angel of last item if we want to go more defensive. - According to the enemy team, alternate between Mercury's Boots and Ninja Tabi. ----> SPECIAL RUNES/MATCH UPS <---- -> MATCHUPS / MATCHES WHERE WE NEED Ninja Tabi: ****With Zed it is practically mandatory to have a 30% tenacity when we do all-in, so if we have against something like a Yasuo or a full AD comp, we will buy Ninja Tabi and get that 30% of the runes. -> VS COMPOSITIONS WITHOUT TANKS: ***We will not buy the black blade since they will not have tanks, so we will get the 20% CDR that gave us this item of the runes. The build will be the same as the one at the beginning of the guide, only we will not buy The Black Cleaver, we will go straight to buy Lord Dominik's Souvenirs and buy the last object's spectral dancer. -> HARD MATCH-UP vs. Early AP: - Against early AP assassins, such as Fizz, LeBlanc. The ring orb with the points in Magic Resistance come perfect against these math-ups. ----> SKILL ORDER <---- The only thing that changes in the order of skills is that if you go against a mid a melee (melee), you can raise the E to level 2, activating Electrocute with Shuriken Razor> Shadow Slash> AutoAttack, easily winning the trade. Remember that Shadow Slash does not cancel Zed's auto-attack, so this combo is very fast and efficient being only level 2. ----> PROS/CONS <---- PROS - High potential of Burst and Outplay. - Once ahead in the game has good Snowball ability. - Great mobility and capacity of Splitpush. - Your passive, Contempt for the weak, facilitates the farmeo. - Of the best 1v1 duelists. You cause at least 2 to stop when you do SPlitpush, leaving free targets such as dragon or baron nashor to your team. - Use energy, so you only have to take into account the CDs (giving skills next to your shadow in the same objective recovers a percentage of energy). - It will always seem fun and you will learn to do new things, it is a character that is worth learning. - Extreme ease to check the other laner (By: BoxBunny1;]) CONS - Squishy. They can make you a relatively easy 100 to 0 with CC (stuns, slows, etc). - CD too high in W Living shadow. If you use it online you expose yourself to easy ganking. - You have a large number of counters, although you will learn to face them with experience. - You usually need someone with magic damage to your team, because if the game gets too long the enemy team will only buckle armor and get complicated. - Hard to play when you go behind in the game. - Not very good in teamfights. - It depends a lot on your ability to hit the Q Shuriken razor. ----> ZED COUNTERS AND COUNTERPICKS <---- ---->TIPS IN GAME "HIGH ELO"<---- It is very important to know the powerspikes of Zed: - In this Goal, Zed's early game is not really good compared to previous seasons and compared to other Meta champions. If we talk about items, your powerspike arrives once you have 2 items if you go relatively well with the enemy team or 3 items if there is no gold difference between you and the enemy team. - Currently, Zed is a mid-late game killer (20-25 minutes onwards). Unless we are facing an easy match-up for us, we will dedicate ourselves to farm as much as we can to obtain our objects. - At level 1 you must poke the enemy with your Shuriken razor, as long as possible, and if you are facing champions like Annie or LeBlanc, who can poke you a lot from level 1, you can farm distance with your Shuriken razor. From level 1 to 3 Zed is very weak, so it is best to play safe and ask for a gankeo at your level 3, since you will be being pushed by the rival mid and it will be easy for you to do an All in with your jungle. - At level 3, Zed has a great PowerSpike, since we will get the online poke combo that we will use in combination with the Electrocutar whenever we can, we will do great damage if the Living Shadow combo Shuriken Razor Shadow (W) > E> Q). You should know that by connecting two equal abilities (For example your Q + Q of Living Shadow), you get a percentage of your energy back, so you should be careful not to fail the combo, since your Living Shadow has a high CD and it's your only escape weapon without counting the Flash. - In level 6 you will unlock the Death Mark, which deals an amount of physical damage equal to 100% of the Attack Damage plus 25/35/45% of all the physical and magical damage inflicted by Zed to the target while marking I was active. A good combo with ignition almost ensures a death, and in the worst case you will send the enemy to the base, do not get under the tower if they have CC and you lose the advantage, if you force him to return to the base he will lose Gold and experience, so you take advantage of that. - During the line phase, you can do the bird camp whenever you can and your jungler does not need it or is in another part of the jungle. - In level 9 you will have your Shuriken knife in the highest level, so you will do a lot of damage and you can take advantage of this with an easy death if the enemy is of a lower level. - At levels 11 and 16 will get better Death Mark, so the damage percentage increase by 35% and 45% respectively. In short, we will usually talk from level 1 to 3, from level 4 to 5 we will play with our combo (W> E> Q), and we will try to get the maximum energy bar to reach level 6. All in the enemy with Mark of Death and try to get death or at least make their callers use (such as Flash, Exhaustion ...) and remove it from the line. ---->FARM<---- We will try to keep the farmeo while denying the enemy and roameas (help other lines). A common mistake in many is to be online 5/0/0 and stay online. You must turn your advantage into help for others, winning top or bot, killing or leaving kills, obtaining goals (dragon, herald, towers, buffos). Try to keep a minimum of 75 minions at 10 minutes. Theoretically, the function of the Mid laner once throws the tower of Mid (especially if it is the first tower pulled) is to accompany and help your jungle in the rotations. You can also get Gold and Experience by making the nearest jungle camps before returning to base. ---->PLAY WITH TEAM OR SPLIT? BEST TIPS<---- The doubt of many, what to do in a teamfight being Zed? Tips: - Do not start the teamfight yourself (unless you see very clearly throwing yourself into ADCarry without dying in the attempt) - Wait for your team to enter first, lower their lives and take out the CC they can. - If the tf takes too long, you can wear out your rivals with your Living Shadow- Shuriken pocket knife. - Focus on the AP Caster or AD Carry enemy, especially the latter, not the Tank or Support. - If there is any enemy that is very federated regardless of their position / role, using Death Mark on it is not a bad idea. - Our priority will always be to enter the teamfight, delete the most important member of the enemy team and leave alive. After that we will wait for our CDs to come back and come back in to support our team. Splitpush As for Splitpush it must be said that Zed is an ideal champion for this function, since you can go to splitpushear another remote line, causing them to have to come 2 or more to kill you, since in 1v1 you should easily end anyone. This leaves the enemy team in numerical disadvantage, but at the same time if you fail this you will leave your equipment sold, so it is a double-edged blade. ---->TEAMFIGHTS 1VS1 AND HOW TO BEAT FK*** ZHONIAS<---- Many have problems once their enemies get this object, therefore I will explain tips on how to `` counteract '' this item. First of all we will always be attentive to when the enemy buys this object, so that it does not surprise us when we start them. Zhonya Zhonya's Hourglass: - 1v1: enter the enemy with your skills and self-attacks, if you do not use the item, you will kill him to basic, so he will be forced to use it, and then it will be vulnerable and you can ultate it if necessary. This also applies to Lissandra and Kayle's R. - Teamfights: Here the most important thing is not to lose sight of the enemy ADC, and in case you stay alone go for it without dying on the road. In case this was dead and you would focuse the AP mid enemy, here are two things you can do; One is to wait for your team to take out the Zhonya Hourglass helping you with your WEQ combo, and another more complicated is to calculate the damage-time well, since your Death Mark has 3 seconds to apply the damage before explode, and Zhonya's Hourglass offers 2.5 seconds of immunity, and logically there is a difference of 0.5 seconds where you will use your skills, not before while immune. To end this and as more important, you should know that this item has a 120-second CD, and that your Death Mark with 40% CDR and with the Rune Hunter rune happens to have a 30.6-second CD, so that if you calculate well you can surprise your rivals without their zhonya. This is a basic but effective play: if I see the enemy wearing Zhonya's Hourglass, I simply use Death Mark to use it and return to the shadow of the R as soon as I do if I see no chance of killing him, I hope 36-40 seconds (poking or splitpusheando) to return to have Death Mark and return to that enemy that will have Zhonya's Hourglass still in cooldown, so it will be a free kill.
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