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Everything posted by gifhunter

  1. Damn no way you're disrespecting the mozzy like this ;) Appreciate the list! Seems like it would help some newer players out
  2. Already got gamepass, but for the giveaway. (can skip me too)
  3. bloody midnight updates for a UK company ay ;) kidding ofc, glad the product is being shipped to you guys! and happy for the update sounds promising
  4. Im up for a game if you're still offering! :)
  5. API sounds promising, looking forward to seeing it :)
  6. Just like dankhax days hey @Travers haha, my numbers are 888 and 88
  7. Ayy sponsor, I will stream it in a discord
  8. ty for the giveaway! gl all
  9. Merhaba, galler'den geliyorum :) I'm slowly climbing the duolingo turkish language leadboards haha hopefully sometime I can try to speak turkish with you on your servers haha i play with three other turks and my gf is turkish originally! welcome man
  10. We will all be in the EloCarry discord server :)
  11. Tristana mid lmao, I remember abusing corki mid in coreshine days. I usually play jungle or adc these days
  12. what kind of cheats did you use? assuming you used cheats lmao
  13. countdown timer sounds cool as fuck, also yeah it was great to chat
  14. Will alpha be ready before the new invite panel? also sounds like good news a cleaner and faster system
  15. https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/20/20875378/batman-arham-asylum-city-knight-free-epic-games-store-lego-batman batman arkham asylum city knight free games ! and lego batman
  16. gifhunter

    Nord vpn accounts

    Thanks for the release! :)
  17. flex with a squad of scripters would be pretty fun
  18. nicenice guys, well we could do a flex if we get two more :)
  19. If anyone wants to play some duo queue in the alpha lmk :) I can play either adc or mid, ezreal/orianna/depending on other ADCs released at the time, maybe a jungler if a good one is released aswell I will be a bit rusty from I havent warmed up in a long time but I used to be plat1/d5 in euw last season before i took a little break until now again :)
  20. Oxygen Not Included is pretty good, just released aswell if you like those kinda games
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