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Everything posted by gifhunter

  1. Nice man, looks good. Could you do a corki or a kog'maw one for me by anychance? I feel like Corki might be a bit easier to make one for
  2. Hi guys I joined pretty early on but I forgot to make an introduction! So here I am I usually play bot/mid the champions being ezreal/orianna, looking forward to climbing with you fine people!
  3. caitlyn and ezreal low elo are freelo with scripts
  4. Ezreal or Orianna are my favourite because of how much poke they have, or if its lower elo twitch is pretty fun to play because you can just Q to the backline and fuck em all up EUW5 if available please
  5. Alright reveal yourself thread stealer lmaoo
  6. 88! thanks for the giveaway
  7. It took me 30 minutes for it to go through on the blockchain.com side and i did the transfering to coinbase wallet overnight because of blockchain confirmations I knew I would have to wait a while, it probably took 6 hours for it to transfer over
  8. How do british/eu players find playing on NA servers? how far can you usually climb and what can you get on NA
  9. Started scripting properly around the elobuddy/coreshine time so I think around season 6/7
  10. Can't wait to start that game, finally a polished Total War game that doesn't run like shit haha
  11. Not sure why its taking so long for you to be approved, mine was pretty much instant, within 5 minutes iirc
  12. Black Mirror is brilliant, especially the earlier seasons. A few other recommendations of mine would be Sherlock/Peaky Blinders and maybe Better call Saul if you liked Breaking Bad and were craving more haha Edit: House.MD and Archer are great aswell and a new season has just been announced for Archer
  13. Yeah blockchain is a pretty good wallet, you would also keep more £££ if you keep it in their system because of transfer fees
  14. Enjoy! :) Requirements: 18+ years old Phone with a HD camera Ability to read instructions Steps: Go to https://www.blockchain.com/getcrypto and press the big green button Sign up or log in with your already registered account if you already use blockchain.com (I think new accounts get $50 while already registered only get $25) Follow the steps they give you on the website to verify your ID, you must use your phone for the verification process Go to the dashboard on blockchain.com and press the "Swap" button at the top left and swap Stellar to Bitcoin (This may take a second, you get verification emails) You can now transfer your bitcoin from blockchain.com to your personal wallet via the "Bitcoin" button on the blockchain homepage and press the "send" button Profit? Proof: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/itcoin-wallet-blockchain-cryptocurrency-stellar-lumens-airdrop-giveaway-a8621476.html
  15. blade and sorcery and superhot look like two amazing games on VR rn https://store.steampowered.com/app/629730/Blade_and_Sorcery/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/322500/SUPERHOT/
  16. 88 ! :) thanks for the giveaway, very generous of you.
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