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Everything posted by Smoke

  2. Ayy they found someone : ) Good stuff man welcome.
  3. Hello gamer :) Welcome to the community!
  4. Smoke


    Hah exactly. Or wall hacking and just telling your team mates where everyone is. Imagine league of legends with 0 fog of war : o
  5. Smoke


    Honestly this is good though. Playing vs cheaters in FPS games is really annoying lol I know thats ironic coming from a league scripter hah but imo FPS games should have the best anti-cheats.
  6. Smoke


    Diamond 2 on NA, playing only ezreal. Keep losing games due to bad decision making on my part lol
  7. Your winners are: @CtrlAltDel @xSalice Thank you for participating :)
  8. @CtrlAltDel fuuuuck man that one hit me in the feels. I love sad music lol
  9. Totally working as of Patch 10.10 by the way!! gsmurf1 from discord told me how to do it: Navigate to C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config\PersistedSettings Open up persistedsettings.json (in notepad) and change the Minimapscale value to whatever you want :D That's the default league install location, yours might be in a different place though.
  10. The idea / premise is quite nice. I dug into some reviews and there are people who claim they were able to lower there ping by an average of 50. It's only really good for people who are trying to play in other regions. Let's say you have 170 ping playing on NA server from EUW and with WTFast you might get 120. It's pretty dependent on your ISP / location though. Best thing to do is to do a trial. Honestly it's only worth it if they are able to route your traffic better then your ISP, which in 2020 in most cases (at least US servers) is not the case lol
  11. Welcome welcome. Isn't it crazy how S1 was 10 years ago lmao.
  12. Giving away two NA accounts: Level 30 Fresh MMR! 40K Blue Essence. Email and password changeable. No champions/skins included. To Enter: Drop a link to some good music I will pick two winners @ May 15th Friday 7:00 PM EST.
  13. Will there be some type of referral reward?
  14. Thanks for the feedback! I just found out about this EUW Ezreal main player in Diamond 1. He just recently started uploading on youtube and his stuff is very knowledgeable and good - way better then what I wrote here. Check him out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKM8O_uPFIAj-3w3rGiA1Cw
  15. Name sounds familiar Welcome!
  16. It may have been, I actually don't remember what I used LOL If you remember, I did an extensive 30 day review for them on my honest opinion about the platform. P.S. Thanks for welcoming me! My thread never got any responses LOL
  17. Intro: I recently hit Diamond 1 in NA on a fresh account using only Ezreal. Ezreal is very very strong with scripts due to his insane skill shot accuracy and safe kiting ability. My primary reason for playing him is that it is much less likely you will get called out for scripting. Why Ezreal? Skill shot accuracy with script makes him S+ tier. Extremely safe laner in all match ups. Scales well and hard carries mid-late. Item build path is very versatile. Almost never runs out of mana. Evade Settings: I play primarily with only drawings. Reserving "Dodge Extreme" using E only against spells when I fail to dodge them myself (Malphite Ult, Leona Ult, etc). I highly recommend against using evade to dodge all spells and instead learn to dodge yourself using the drawings. Runes: Item Build Path: TLDR: CDR boots in 75% of your game, Ninja Tabi if they are heavy AD. Manamune Trinity Force/Ice Gauntlet Blade of Ruin King / Executioners / DuskBlade Maw / Phantom Dancer Guardian Angel / Blood Thirster / Quick Silver Sash Always make a game plan for your build path. Hit tab when you enter the game and answer these questions: Lots of healing on the enemy team? I need to get executioners early. Primarily AD and/or low mobility champs? I need to get Ice Gauntlet. Do they have a high burst AD or AP assassin? I need to get Phantom Dancer or Maw. On your first recall, your first item will depend on how much money you are returning with. 1050 gold = sheen 875 gold = pickaxe Anything less, you are likely behind and should get a Cull and refillable potion. Boots are also a good option. Always invest in 1 pink ward if you have 75g left over. On your second recall,, it is crucial that you buy tear. I try to start stacking tear no later then the 9 minute mark. 1st Item: Manamune should be your first completed item. If you bought a sheen on your first recall, finish the Manamune before Trinity/Gauntlet. If you bought a pickaxe on your first recall, finish the Manamune before going onto sheen. 2nd Item: You will want to get a Trinity Force or Ice Gauntlet. You go icey glove if they are primarily an AD comp, have low mobility champions or if you're team comp is lacking crowd control abilities. It is important to note that if you are in a lane with tremendous amount of healing (Sona/Soraka/Yuumi) - you should buy executioners before completing your second item. Cool down boots or Ninja Tabi should be purchased somewhere in between building TF / Gauntlet. 3d Item: If you are ahead and will be safe from burst damage, build a Blade of the Ruined King or a DuskBlade - BORK if they have Tanks, DB if they have squishes. If they have AP or AD Assasin, your third item should be either Maw or Phantom Dancer. 4/5/6 Item: If you had to build Maw or PD for your third item, build BORK next. The rest is situational. I typically finish with a combination of either: Mortal Reminder, Guardian Angel, Quick Silver Sash, Blood Thirster. Tips/Tricks: If Jungler/Mid laner are MIA, position safely and make sure that your E is off cool down. Your strongest damage combo is W > E > Q - landing Q last will reduce the cool down of your W+E. Do not just hold down the combo key in lane, as it will prioritize W first, and then Q, but it's typically better to lead with Q harass unless you're guaranteed to proc your W. If you are behind..you can turn on Base Ult, but only use it if you are paying attention to the map. Try to position yourself behind the minions so you can pretend you were just using R on the wave and got lucky with the call. NEVER allow yourself to get more then 1 kill with a base ult. It's to be used if you are desperate for a kill. Always look at your minimap. Learn to go down 10 cs in a lane you are not favored to win early (Draven, Kalista, etc). Check out Ezreal's combo's here: https://u.gg/lol/champions/ezreal/combo/1 Closing: Ezreal is a very strong champ if played properly. His late game carry potential is insane. Let me know if you have any questions and/or issues in match ups. The only way to get better is to spam games and pay attention to what you did wrong in losses. This is the first champion guide I have ever written, please give me feedback : ) P.S. I recently found an Ezreal Diamond 1 EUW player on youtube who makes REALLY good guides, way better then mine here. Check him out please: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKM8O_uPFIAj-3w3rGiA1Cw
  18. +1 for the VPN suggestion when doing this.
  19. Fuck corona indeed mate, cheers.
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