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Everything posted by Ansu

  1. Like people already have stated, this was a unfortunate incident that shouldn't have happened and I have faith that it wont reoccur in the future. I'll say that @Zlitz way of handling the situation and honesty regarding everything has earned my respect for taking responsibility for this whole ordeal. There are more than a few that wouldn't even acknowledge the situation.
  2. Ansu

    Rate My Pic #1

    I might like cats but I wanna steal him.
  3. Play Annie mid, top or support. Do double penetration build like the Koreans and Chinese do and you'll get a 70% win rate.
  4. Have won a number of tournaments in a variety of games and my best advice would be that it's okay to get carried.
  5. 5-3 to Zlitz! 3-1 first half.
  6. canidei desamor4 simonwichmann wmb84xqv umunklu tankitor11 dkk008 dkalve99 Giveaways are lame.
  7. I mean inaccessibility also brings desire and discuss as rumor tend to circulate around rather quickly in those types of situations.
  8. Ansu

    Giveaway: 0.17 ETH

    Did someone say free money? Found it by lurking around various other platforms and sites.
  9. Minecraft! Edit: and probably Twilight Princess.
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