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Things That Need Fixing & Suggestions

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Thank you for the updates team ec is going in the right direction here are some things I found that needs fixing also some suggestions 

Fixing ec+

Jinx e logic is messed up always casts late or wrong position 

kogmaw I think his q and e is set to very high because it Barely casts them in fights I had to manually cast them many times 

yone manual ult key used to work no matter what settings were under combo mode now it won’t work unless you disable only killable under combo mode 


for ezreal when you use manual key instead of selecting a champion maybe have the script auto select low health champion and cast it similar to jinx 

zeri w misses about 40% for me rested in 2 games maybe you can test it to see if there any improvements to be made there 

Massive fps drops in fights from 75 to 40-50 I have a lot of things disabled like awareness and enemy spells and ally spells trackers and still getting low fps without ec I get 300+ I am on all amd setup maybe you can test on an ahmad setup to see if there is any improvements in fps that can be made or any recommendations I am playing on lowest settings and doesn’t make a difference for me 

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😞 Hey there,


Was super pumped when EC2 was updated.


However the scaling issue for 4k monitors still doesn't work - there's no scaling function for hero spell trackers - making it almost impossible to use this feature for higher res monitors.

I asked this before EC2 was released and was told it would be included.

As for QSS and Evade, those two options continue to have never worked for me but I don't use them so I don't mind...

Would love it if I could actually use the product 😞

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On 3/19/2023 at 11:41 AM, Jordann said:

I mean evade works perfectly fine, as for Scaling issues im not using 4k but I play 3440x1440 and its comepletely fine on that res

Oh awesome! That's fantastic.


Can you let me know how you get this going? Do you have your resolution and ingame res at 3840 x 2160? I think if the screen is just larger than this happens.

I've tried using 1080p but get pretty bad pixelation to force my screen to hit this 😞 

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23 minutes ago, JieLai said:

Oh awesome! That's fantastic.


Can you let me know how you get this going? Do you have your resolution and ingame res at 3840 x 2160? I think if the screen is just larger than this happens.

I've tried using 1080p but get pretty bad pixelation to force my screen to hit this 😞 

my game resolution and windows resolution is 3440x1440


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On 3/21/2023 at 12:49 AM, Jordann said:

my game resolution and windows resolution is 3440x1440


Ah mine's at 3840x2160.

The devs have been super responsive and nice about it - and I dont mean to pressure them at all. So it's all good and it's most likely only affecting less than a handful of people and definitely shouldnt be prioritised over more important fixes that people use (I'm guessing orbwalker combo stuff?).

Have my faith in the devs as everything is stellar! Thank you too Jordann for your help and clarification.

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On 3/19/2023 at 2:00 AM, JieLai said:

😞 Hey there,


Was super pumped when EC2 was updated.


However the scaling issue for 4k monitors still doesn't work - there's no scaling function for hero spell trackers - making it almost impossible to use this feature for higher res monitors.

I asked this before EC2 was released and was told it would be included.

As for QSS and Evade, those two options continue to have never worked for me but I don't use them so I don't mind...

Would love it if I could actually use the product 😞

Scaling for 4k issue is fixed, try now please 🙂

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