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Comprehensive Midlane Warding Guide


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Hey, welcome folks. My name is Blackseat, I am a Diamond 2 Player legit and today's post will be all about warding for Midlane, since I am a Midlanemain myself. Enjoy!

1. Theory

In Theory every ward should change a players behavior. If it doesn't this ward is of no use. So to speak clearly, if it doesn't affect the decisions made by you or your team, you know it's a pretty bad or useless ward. As you can see by this concept "warding" is a skill with a tremendous skillgap.

2. Midlane Warding Fundamentals: 

  1.  Avoid using both Trinkets at the same time!
    This is important, because majority of the time you only need to ward towards one sideof the map. In contrast, if you use both wards quickly after eachother,  there will be a time, where you won't have vision and can't lean towards any side, hence you are in greater risk of being ganked.
  2. Never sit on two wards!
    If you have two wards in your inventory you again can't lean towards one side safely and furthermore you don't make use of the trinkets cooldown. This variation is even worse then having two wards out at the same time! This is a very common problem for Platin Midlaner or Below. So if you take away one point of this whole guide let it be this one.
    So make sure to keep an eye out for this fact, when you review your games! ( Which by the way you should if you haven't started yet hehe )
  3. Taking the time to get proper, deep wards down instead of lazy wards!
    For example a ward on the raports instead of the midbrush or the ledge ward. If you actually ward the raptors you might have a chance to spot out the enemy jungler and the camp he paths towards.
    If this happens your jungler has the information he needs to gank safely, to countergank their jungler, to take an objective or get a clean reset. Your botlane / toplane has the information, that they are in an isolated lane or in the risk to get ganked in the next 30 seconds and maybe should push in their wave and take a recall or ward up themselves to not get ganked. All due to your deeper ward and your extra second walking there.
  4. Be conscious, when you ward!
    Don't just ward on autopilot, while you have nothing to do. Think more about your warding timings and what your purpose of this given ward is. For example:
    Don't ward if the jungler just showes bot. He might take a long fight down there, recall afterwards, take a quick shop and even if he then starts to path towards your ward, it will eventually expire, by the time you could spot him out.
    By the way, PROTIP:
    If the jungler ganks a lane and recalls afterwards, they most likely will go to the other side of the jungle, since the ganked side will be cleared. No jungler just goes ganking without clearing his side beforehand, because this is utterly inefficient

  5. Always have a pinkward on the map!
    Wards aren't just good if you are ahead. They help in each state of the game.
    If you are ahead they help to roam or to isolate your lane.
    If you are even they create opportunities for your jungler to invade or to setup a gank on your lane.
    If you are behind they help to spot out invades and roams and help you to stablelize your game and slow down the enemies speed.
  6. Use your pinks generally on the winning side of the map!
    This is because the winning side is the side you want to be playing towards to. Reason being:
    The side, which is winning trades has the most dive potential on the enemies and often the lane priority. Hence, they can move out first if you are caught on lane and run towards them or a skirmish breaks out in the river.
    The enemy jungler often can't get to deep into the river without having to fear being collapsed on by your winning lane and your own jungler. A winning lane should always have a priority.

3. Some specific Examples and applicable tips:

  1. Warding for LVL 1 or LVL 2 Invades:
    "Best used if you have a weak early game jungler and the enemies have a strong one ( Example being Zac on your Team and Lee Sin on the enemy team )"
    Ward on the Dot-Brush opposite on the side your jungler is starting.
    If the enemy jungler does go for an invade he gets spotted out by your ward and your jungler can adapt in time, maybe go for vertical jungling or collapse on their jungler with you to prevent the steal.
    So in your loadingscreen assess the jungle Matchup and place this ward if needed and thank me later for your LP ;)
  2. Warding for LVL 2 Ganks:
    "Works if you have pressure early game, want to push early game or want to prevent the enemy to totally push you in"
    This ward is needed if you play vs junglers like: Elise, J4, Shaco, Lee, Camille.. 
    Ward early on one ledge, so you can lean save without giving away the pressure you need to push or to stop the push from the enemy midlaner. 

    By the way, PROTIP:
    Look which lane comes late, so you know which buff the enemy jungler started. Ward this specific side to know wether you will be ganked lvl 2 or not. If not you might ping out the side of your team, which is also close to this buff. 
  3. Warding for LVL 3 Ganks:
    Ward around 2.30 on the ledge of your jungler, so you can run towards him for safety if you get ganked. No jungler can be lvl 3 before 2.30 so their first gank is normally around 2.40 if they decide to go for the lvl 3 gank. Often they gank mid for a transitiongank to their next buff so be careful! 
    This is by the way my Goto ward 95% of my games. Remember to lean towards the side of your jungler and ward on this given side. 

  4. Warding vs a Matchup, where you have no early pressure at all ( Like vs Talon, Taliyah, Asol ):
    In this matchups you will often be pushed in immediately. So you won't have time to ward anywhere. What helps me is to ward deep lvl 1 before the lane begins, so you can gather any information for your team. 
    This also works if you are playing Kassadin or Vladimir, because you will most likely be pushed in early by every champ and sitting on 2 wards is useless, as we already have figured out!

    This section covered the 1. Ward and all its possible placements! 

  5. Second ward of the game:
    The second ward of the game depends on your current state of the lane.
    If you win 2v2 with your jungler (because midlane should never be seen as a pure 1v1), try to get deeper vision together with your jungler. Push our your lane ( if you can't then go for the "loosing 2v2" ward ).
    Then call for your jungler to invade together and get deep vision together. He might clear some vision and snack 1, 2 camps and you can place a deep ward. Never go down there alone, expect you are playing Talon like me :D

    If you lose 2v2 or can't push out, because you are vladimir.:
    Ward on your side of the map to cover for your jungler and prevent roams from the enemy midlaner, since you know you can't follow you have to help your team with vision and pings!
    By the way: If you are behind place your pinkward somewhere in your jungle, to prevent the invades and roams from the enemy midlane-jungle duo! Still place it on your winning side, so they can't stop the snowball on your winning lane and just prey they can actually carry you if needed.
  6. Ward the lane vs : Talon, Taliyah, Asol, Qiyana:
    When you play against these specific champions you should place your 2. ward in the center of the lane to see which side they roam towards.
    Reason being you propably won't win 2v2 early against these champions and have to stop the bleeding they can cause if let.
  7. If you play Champion, which can make use of Fog of War:
    This are some champions where this strategy works like a charm: Ahri, Xerath, Lux, Talon, Qiyana, Zed, ... you get the Idea
    Pink your Midlane Brush towards your winning side (I know I repeat this shit a lot, but I really want to hammer down this fact!)
    Place a ward ofter the wall and push our your lane. 
    Pretend to roam and just chunk them if they follow or even try to burst them down!
  8. If playing roaming midlaners like : Talon, Qiyana, Taliyah:
    When playing roaming Champions put deep wards in their jungle so you can push and kill their jungler on the camp you spotted them or on the camp they headed towards to.
    This is actually how all Challenger Talons get fed and take over the game. Good laner don't die easily in lane, but the jungler still have to get levels and clear his jungle, get his buffs!
    So say goodbye to the idea of going 5.0 in lane, exept you are hardsmurfing on the enemy. 
    Track their jungler, push your lane in and invade. Repeat this until you are challenger and then gift me an icecream!
  9. Swap to Bluetrinket min 20!
    Reason being:
    This is the gametime where all begin to Aram and being caught could led to a Nash or a Vital Dragonpit Controll for the Dragonsoul.
    With the blue trinket you won't have to facecheck and can put out deep wards without being collapsed on.


That's all for today. I hope this guide helps you and keeps you save on the rift. If you need more explanation please comment down below and I try to elaborate more on your question.

Best Regards

Your Blackseat

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