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Everything posted by ExaliaFaux

  1. Ayy Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm a bit late with this one!
  2. That'd be pretty fucking hype ngl! I'd probably take some time to play from time to time :3
  3. Hello! In an attempt to make the community a bit more active while we wait for the inevitable release of EloCarry, I propose that we have some daily discussions on random topics until we can discuss what can be improved upon with EloCarry on release! Today's question! What is the hardest lesson that you've had to learn? For me, that lesson was that people are not obligated to follow you regardless of whether you're right or wrong. Even if what you say would benefit a lot more people, how you say it and how people perceive it will definitely cause people to turn away from you. This lesson also taught me that I don't NEED everyone to follow me. As long as people find out the truth that you were right, that's really what mattered to me. How about you guys? What lessons have you learned that were difficult? Maybe you can help someone out here by sharing your experience!
  4. Welcome to EloCarry! I'm sure most of us are aware of detected platforms for sure which people buy cracked accs at X rank to duo boost a few games or so. It's a common tactic to make some extra cash, but only being able to play 3-4 games is NOT good enough. I'm also aware of other private platforms, but they either have a high price to entry or you have to know people who know a guy well enough to get an invite THEN you pay a high price to entry then pay a relatively affordable price to continue. Many scams are out there and there's just no way there's gonna be THAT many scripters being high key lest they're using a public/detected platform. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. I've legitimately been playing Minecraft and having a blast with friends. It's just so relaxing and all that. Lest I'm adventuring in it, but for the most part I try to build nice structures in survival and it's just fun times all around for me! Plus free stream content uwu
  6. ExaliaFaux


    Last I played with scripts, D5 when that was a thing. I have never REALLY played ranked legitimately after L# and at the time I got Plat 5 with scripts before the ban hammer. W/o scripts... I believe I only reached Silver 5 when I was unaware of scripts. Just before L# was a thing and when BoL was pretty much the only League cheat. Only played because friends wanted me to and what rank you were was what made you relevant... Except now I'm sorta locked into "that good player" soooooo that's why I'm waiting on EC lol.
  7. Damn, I haven't really went anywhere on vacation for a while. I miss Japan and other various places in SouthEast Asia. Though, anywhere with my closest friends will be a good one.
  8. Ahh that explains how I remembered you. I never bought from a reseller so don't worry! It's understandable that you'd be under fire for something completely out of your control.
  9. I do recall the name "DUFU" from Rift, but my memory isn't that great. Welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy your stay!
  10. I honestly can't really see where my future is going... I'm trying to make the best of my current time, but some things feel like its falling apart. One things for certain, I'm gonna be saving up to purchase EC regularly. It'll be a way to bring in a nice source of income until I can find something proper to do.
  11. I honestly don't mind it and these are very valid questions, but ultimately we just have to wait until it's ready. In terms of having other convos in the memebox, I personally can't chat as much as I want to since I'm spreading myself thin in other communities including Twitch, YouTube, etc. It seems like most chats won't happen while most of us are starting to get even more busy as the summer ends. I usually try to stay active outside the memebox giving some input maybe big maybe small. This forum isn't just a memebox and we can all find time to respond during the day w/o EC SOON TM just by putting down a thread and seeing the responses.
  12. I like sweet coffee, but am aware that pure black coffee will always be my goto for energy if I had to choose to finish up work or otherwise be someone in society.
  13. It's the stupidest thing they've done since make League, but hey we still play either one XD I understand your point completely! And yes I would totally love some stuff like that! We don't know how much is client sided so we can always realistically have some simple awareness where we wouldn't have to look for ourselves as well as some calculations, but there may be plenty of things that can be exploited that we simply don't know about. But yes, keeping expectations realistic is always the better choice while creating a theoretical cheat.
  14. Posting in Off topic because who knows if someone will make a TFT script, but here's what I would want if TFT had scripts 1. Awareness - I'd personally want a way to figure out who you'll be facing in the next stage. This can help plan ahead with positioning before the next stage! -I'd also would like some item awareness like a sort of item prediction. Whether or not you'll get an item from a minion or knowing which item you'll get can really help with planning out stuff faster 2. Autobuy/Auto-comp - If you have a specific comp in mind or otherwise want the script to think for you (lol literally throw away brain.exe), then you can have the script auto buy/sell champs as needed, auto re-roll, or otherwise automatically do what you want so you don't waste a single second. Would be difficult to code, but we're just dreaming here 3. Exploits - This would pretty much open up the entire field of TFT by exploiting early high tier champs or specific items. Even exploiting economy would be amazing. Exploiting champion limits would just break the game and exploiting items for their stats would just make everything irrelevant. In the end, we'd love any exploit that's possible. I honestly don't think anyone is gonna make a TFT script, but it'd be pretty fucking lit if we did. It's super unnecessary, but fuck it would be awesome!
  15. Goddamn... I haven't played Cod4 in a LONG time.
  16. >9 Hours ago I STILL HAVE TIME!!! I wrote my poem in a sort of rap... Maybe I'll record it later? Who knows... Wouldn't you believe it? We got a God amongst the men It's @Zlitz good sir! And a cheat he brings Again! (shoutout LegacyAim) EloCarry is the name While Riot lives in Shame EloCarry is their bane Now @Zlitz gets all the Fame! Yeah we got the stream-proof Our users gettin' paid back! The enemies all go "POOF" Features we will not lack! Verified, re-verified You know in Zlitz we Trust All them other shitty platforms Yeah, they were a bust (LOL) From the fall of the sharp to the Exit Scam of Rift All we ever needed was EloCarry for the Lift So thank you @Zlitz For the effort and the time To make this platform safe and to make it so sublime
  17. Extra Tidbit for anyone who may want to automate this, hold one of your F-keys such as F5 when and keep mouse in the middle of your screen. Press W at certain intervals and you'll keep on the other champ. 100% afk Kappa
  18. I've had some bad luck with my queue times on beginner. Intro bots I've had a bit more consistent success. Probably just luck though.
  19. Wanna add that the xp difference between Intro bots and Beginner bots is sorta minimal now. Queue times in Intro are a tad bit faster afaik. I remember that Intro bots had a reduction after level 10, but from my experience, this isn't so much the case or maybe the reduction isn't as much as it used to be. If games last around 15 min, you'll get like 80xp ~ish and with fast queue times it's worth losing 5 or 10 xp. Idk maybe someone can enlighten me with some updated numbers.
  20. On which champion you have the biggest fun using scripts and why? I find Vayne to be the most fun because it always surprises people when they realize the feeding Vayne actually has some skill late game to carry the team (it's a pretty safe pick imo, but of course it depends on script quality). Second to that, I find soraka fun because nobody plays against a scripting soraka well XD If NA2 is open I'd like to grab it!
  21. I play NA, but I have an EUW acc that I may have forgotten the password ;w;. May end up purchasing a new one if I forget entirely.
  22. Hell yeah! I got a really good vibe from @Zlitz when we talked in VC and just seeing how he already manages another cheat I can only expect great things. I'm also surprised that at least one person recognized me from another old platform (Shoutout to @Burns may SR rest in peace). But yeah! I'm loving this community and once EC finally drops I'm gonna expect a bit more activity like some in-house tournaments, small little challenges, and so on. I'm actually planning out a few challenges for potential giveaways/contests like "greatest improvements", but I wanna make sure there's no security issues(If saying which rank X person is would be a risk of ban or not especially if challenger gets reached) or if it's even viable to quantify (Like someone smurfing to dia+ vs someone who is actually iron getting to Gold+). Depending on what is allowed, I'll see if we can get little challenges going like that.
  23. NA over here! I'd love to play some games. I'd rather support in this little event, but otherwise I'd like to chill.
  24. I woke up and heard the news. I was so upset when this happened. KyoAni was a BIG inspiration to my art and animation style. It's really sad to see some directors pass like this My prayers go out to all of them and their families.
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