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Everything posted by ExaliaFaux

  1. You can either connect your current bank account to Blockchain or use Coinbase to send to your Paypal if you have that set up already. Coinbase to paypal takes a bit of money from the fees, but tbh it's not that bad. Still free money
  2. Yeah I agree, if you have good friends you won't have those issues. Unfortunately for me, I've put myself pretty far in the creator community which is very anti-cheat centered and anti-toxic. I have to pick and choose the friends who know. Streamer friends have to be in the dark.
  3. This was my goto, but recently I got creative with my bans so long as nobody noticed I wasn't using the account until way later. Started saying stuff like "I forgot the pass" due to how many accs I buy and my friends being aware of that, "I didn't like my mmr" which is half bullshit because it's cool being high elo yet I also wanna play against the bronzies sometimes, and more recently "some drama went down and I had to remove everyone. Was easier to just ditch the account." People don't see me as toxic as I used to be so saying I was toxic isn't as believable so I had to get creative. Though, being TOO creative with your lies just digs a hole you have to live in. It starts out small, but you'll end up digging a bigger and bigger one. Sticking to something simple that is plausibly true like being toxic is probably the easiest way to hide your bans.
  4. Decay of Legends doesn't seem to work atm. Just tried to search up a friend and it couldn't find them.
  5. If you told me EloCarry was an up-and-coming ProGuides forum I'd probably believe you with this thread. But yeah, playing the role the way you're supposed to helps a ton. I personally can't play league as well as I used to w/o scripts so I use them to pick up the slack.
  6. Started in Season 3 playing League and learned about scripting near the end. Started scripting with BoL and then heard about L#. Banwave at 4.20 but didn't use L# so didn't get banned, but decided to use L# after and pretty much kept at it until it shutdown. Used EloBuddy when I didn't have money to pay for L#, also used cracked version of BoL whenever that was updated, but stopped after recognizing it just gets you banned anyways. Been a long time coming.
  7. ExaliaFaux

    Rate My Pic #1

    9/10 if doggo had mouth open 10/10 thas a good doggo
  8. If you're getting one, Beat Saber is almost always a must since it's one of the best. You can try out Skyrim VR, but if you've played Skyrim over and over then the novelty fades. VRChat is pretty decent, but it's all social stuff with maybe a few novelty VR Games like a sort of Tron type game or otherwise. SuperHot VR is actually quite fun to play and tests your decision making. Speedruns of the game are actually quite fun to watch. Zelda BotW VR on CEMU Emulator actually is a pretty nice play from what I've seen. Having VR for a Wii U emulator just makes it somewhat worth a try especially with a game like BotW. Minecraft VR... I'm actually serious this is a thing and people like it I guess... I personally just play normally, but VR seems novel enough. The rest of the games are more for the novelty of it. It honestly depends on whether you enjoy the gimmick or not. I honestly want more support for VR games and more interesting games to play. Beat Saber is the closest to being one of those games and is probably the best on everyone's list. VR is a novel concept and has some fun stuff here and there, but most of its implementation is too gimmicky or could easily immerse you without the need of a headset and wavy arms with your hand controllers. Some may argue it's simply the next progression and I truly want it to be, but it's just not there yet. Like I kinda want a Sword Art Online type of deal where we're fully immersed into the world and walking around would feel liberating and free. But that's just me looking into a future I'm hoping for. For those who are on the fence about purchasing a VR Headset, just wait on it. There aren't many games that are worth your while unless you're seriously gonna get your money's worth with Beat Saber every day (which WOULD be a good investment if you're seriously not into the whole "going outside and exercising" thing).
  9. Wew! Entering! I'd really like an NA account! Number I choose is 121!
  10. I remember back in the L# days people utilized a USB and the "Disable all Drawings" feature + "Fake Clicks" to do LAN tourneys or LAN games with friends. You'd have to configure everything prior to the tourney, but none of them were caught as far as I know.
  11. I would like an NA account! Thank you for your generosity!
  12. I personally watch Natsumiii because I play sub games with her lol. I don't really watch bigger streamers. Sometimes LilyPichu, but haven't been watching any streamers for the past month. Big streamers are cool, but I don't get to interact with them as closely as smaller streamers.
  13. If you're being polite and they take it too seriously, that's a problem on their personality and not yours. Truthfully, you're BOUND to get someone like that as you climb. Saying nothing is probably the best thing you can do in that case, sure. However, if you NEED to say something just try to keep them calm. As you said, it's just a game. If they were raging to begin with, then there's no good reason to speak in the first place. I personally use my polite demeanor to get others banned because I'm not saying anything terrible. And usually, because I'm scripting and doing well mid to late game, they turn around their toxic behavior and try to suck up to the chat gods hoping they're not gonna get banned.
  14. I believe there's stuff like Ball Prediction, Boost timers, Mini maps and some simple scripts like wavedashing. I think I also saw a demolish bot which goes after enemies to blow them up. Other than that, I don't think there's much else atm for cheats. Probably just simple quality of life stuff to make you play a bit better like awareness stuff.
  15. Removing chat scale alleviates the need to mute everyone. However, the second portion of the guide is the most important because chat scale doesn't stop you from chatting. Most of us can type without the need to see out own chat so we really just need to change our own speech and life before the games so we don't just throw our anger through the screen. I've stopped getting toxicity bans after L# went down which made climbing a tad bit easier both legit and scripting. Being chill really helps when it comes to winning games and I promise you'll do better just not being toxic. Note* informing people what they do wrong =/= being toxic. How you tell them they're wrong is what you can consider toxic. Realistically, you don't have to tell anyone anything. You know you're the carry so just focus on yourself and keeping calm.
  16. Hell yeah! I'm happy to be here!
  17. Been playing CS:GO with Legacy Aim (+Rep Zlitz for awesome cheat) and a bit of Apex legends with some friends. If it's late night and can't sleep I play some Sims 4 because it's pretty calming. Sometimes I play league to level a new account. Otherwise I watch YouTube.
  18. ADC: Kog - Kog has been consistently a good pick for scripters due to the heavy reliance on orbwalking. Simple skills that don't need over the top prediction allows Kog to play at a high level with braindead macro. Focus on positioning to climb with any script. With Evade, there's very little reason to ever lose with Kog except for truly braindead spacebar plays. Rageblade nerf also nerfs kog a small bit but he can still do work with scripts. Vayne - High mechanical play with scripts allow for even easier play. Much flashier than Kog'maw and can carry late game in the event you mess up early. Hard to make mistakes once scripts come into play even without evade. The addition of Evade makes Vayne a goto scripting champ. Twitch - Simple damage calculations so you'll never miss a kill. Your stealth can catch people out and you'll just dominate with crazy range thanks to your ultimate. All you need is an orbwalker to work your magic and you'll shred the competition. Evade makes twitch even more powerful. Kalista - Despite being weaker than the other picks by default, Kalista is no joke when it comes to positioning with your orbwalker. Along with exploits that make you fly, the enemies will have a harder time running if you keep dashing towards them! Damage calcs mean that you'll never lose a kill with E nor will you lose a smite war with anyone! Ezreal - Thanks to the item builds that make him busted late game, all you need is good prediction to destroy your enemies. Scripting with Ezreal makes your shots home in on the enemy and make you stronger. Let's not forget about Baseult which will allow you to kill any stragglers who think they have a chance to escape. A wonderful champ to script with. There are more I would personally use, but are more dependent on game sense than scripts such as Draven and Kai'sa. I find these ADCs to be the easiest to start scripting with. Mid: Xerath - The OG in scripting. Everything is prediction and if your script can do that well then you'll never lose with this guy. Unlike ADCs, you'll need a lot more game sense to make things work as you climb, but you can easily find where to place yourself and dominate! Cassiopeia - Another OG that plays very similarly to an ADC. Mana management becomes crucial, but scripts can easily manage that for you! You'll find that you can melt enemies better than an ADC with this awesome champ! Yasuo - I'm not good at Yasuo, but scripts change that. You can make crazy plays by yourself and just melt the enemies. If you weren't good at Yasuo to begin with then I suggest staying alive until 30 minutes. By that time you'll have enough items to just go braindead and that's just broken. I'm not a mid laner so I can't speak for others when it comes to mid picks. I personally go ADC champs mid and it works out just fine. Pick your poison. Support: Blitzcrank - Nobody in low elo can dodge hooks for their life. Use that to your advantage and pull the shit out of the ADC and watch them cry. Scripts just make this guy busted. Thresh - A true playmaker, but depends heavily on prediction. Luckily, you're scripting! So you'll find yourself making easy plays every hook! Be careful because unlike blitz you're gonna be going all in which can put you in a dire spot. Soraka - Okay... she's simple... but that's what makes this broken with scripts. Health manager, Mana Manager, good Q pred. That's all you really need. Soraka has become hella busted this past patch. She out harasses most supports and with her new Q she'll heal all harass back up while getting the enemies low. Evade script and you'll never need to ban blitzcrank or thresh to win. And yes, you can bring Soraka Mid just to lower the enemy's morale. Honestly, I feel these are the top scripting supports you can choose. I know you didn't ask for supports, but if you're gonna script and don't wanna dodge, pick these champs up so you can carry your team despite being off role. And that's all I'm willing to write. I don't play top lane or jungle so I can't write anything extensive, but there you go!
  19. D to Dash Real talk I find it easier to flash with D because it's directly under E which MOST dashes/blinks are already on. I personally keep 3 fingers on Q W and E because R usually has a long cooldown and it feels just as natural as using WASD for other games. Because of this, my index finger can easily reach the flash key on D better than on F. You can claim the time it takes to reach the keys are negligible, but it just feels right.
  20. I found EloCarry from users who got exit scammed from Rift. They started mentioning meme platforms like Helobuddy, but then started talking legit about EloCarry. I searched around and found they had a hackforums post so I decided to try joining. Not gonna lie, I wanted to be more incognito, but the community surrounding this place feels so much better than public places like the OG L#. I was a nobody there, but here I'm JAVIERRRRRRRR. This also directly lead me to Legacy Aim also owned by Zlitz and I'm glad I bought it. Can only expect quality here.
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